Author | All about Knight faction: Stats, Talent, Tactics, Strategy |
EXACTLY what I'm trying to say. Why create a high tier creature you can only get at level 14 that, in your words, "dont do anything except having flyer ability angels." Sux for knights, isn't it. :/
Have you ever happened to take a look at skeletal dragons, nearly same stats as angels, same "specials", but -30 hp and half damge. |
Have you ever happened to take a look at skeletal dragons, nearly same stats as angels, same "specials", but -30 hp and half damge.
they are undead and gets +1 in recruit |
angel seems to be too expensive to have
i really wanna see how a knight with angels in troops fight against another same-level player
hoping kight is worth playing at high lv |
I also remember that they - the arch angels - could kill Titans, Black Dragons and Arch Devils easily at HOMM .. :) When they are here ... (when not if because someday they muse be here) .. Then do not be surprised when many Knights have them .. :) |
i am a lvl3 knight
i dont have any good tactics
could some people please tell me some?
also my troop layout is 26bows and 14sword and 3farmers
is that okay or should i have more swords than bows? |
U should have more swords .. :) like or dislike they are the strongest at ur team .. :) but for hunting against large creatures, max bowmen .. then SM.. :) for PvP .. SM is the 1st priority .. :) |
also my troop layout is 26bows and 14sword and 3farmers
is that okay or should i have more swords than bows?
I was at that level a few weeks ago and imho, always max swords, then bow. have just 3-4 farmers to protect your Bowmen in the corner (you only need 3). Since in almost every hunt, the AI creatures will go straight your bowmen, it's better to maximize your strongest troop to cause max damage to your enemies while they are busy trying to kill off your Bowmen.
Good luck ! :) |
i am turning level 5 and i dont have money for recruits so what should be my recruiting my racial skils is 2 it is turning level 3 so please tell me the recruiting at level 5 and i will take the talent escort but elves have most ranged troop at level 5 so against them what talent should i take ? |
thnx to RandytheDarks. this is Mojocat and Mojocat2. i have the coif, amulet, and boots. now saving up for the sword :) [Player banned by moderator FaithBringer until 2009-05-17 16:48:36 // Posting with multi.] |
for superbest1: still at escort .. yeahh they have many range troops but remember they have limit in arrows. also honestly only 12 Bows, will not do too much damages .. :)
Max griffins, then SM, then bowmen .. but make sure split bowmen into 5 stacks, then .. :) |
knight power |
superbest1 u really rule
the last one to stand still with a lot of swords |
I need help I have 23 swords and 21 bowmen. Do think I have the right set-up? |
for AJackal:
Check that do you have the maximum swordsmen or not ? |
for AJackal: max SM .. :) in PvP do not forget to split up ur bow into 4 - 5 stacks .. :) |
Check that do you have the maximum swordsmen or not ?
23 swordsmen are max at his level
for AJackal: ur recruiting is fine |
magic is good for knight see the fight |
another good fight of mine |
are 50 farmer better or 17 bowmen ? |
for superbest1: It depends on ur battle ... in PvP ofc the Bowmen .. but for hunting against Swordsmen better in Farmers .. :) at least they will do greater damages than the bowmen .. :) |