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AuthorFlooders Tenthouse
grats :)
Thanks :D
Why can only my spearman use the crusade rune ?
How does it exactly works ?
I need to use it in 3-4 turns or something ?
I just saw I does work on brawlers
you need to have at least one troop perished to use
Copied from help section 38.

Rune of Crusade.
Requires faction skill level 1
Upon reaching FSL 11 you’ll get an additional rune of this type to use in one combat.

Upon its next attack, the stack which has this rune applied will hit its target twice. This rune can only be used after at least one creature from the stack has perished. More specifically, the current amount of creatures in stack should be lower than the initial amount of creatures in the very same stack at the beginning of combat).

The effect of this rune is removed right after the first melee/ranged attack of the creature. Retaliation does not remove the effect of this rune. If the creature kills its target with its first hit, the effect is also not removed.
I read that from help but what I noticed is sometimes when several turns has passed and I guess my brawlers were 18 i.e. less than 27 (initially) but I couldn't use crusade. I didn't used it even once that combat..
Also in which all factions would tier 1 upgrade be necessary for future. Correct me if I added an extra or didn't mention any :
Elf (Don't think so o.O)
DE ? Stalkers ?
Demon ??
Tribal and Dwarf ( You guys already said not needed now). Maybe trappers after sky shamans..
All except Dwarf and Elf IMO! Based on your way of game play.
I already got Barb
don't think I will ever play necro that much..
so I will get Wizard and Demon upgrades I guess..
I read that from help but what I noticed is sometimes when several turns has passed and I guess my brawlers were 18 i.e. less than 27 (initially) but I couldn't use crusade. I didn't used it even once that combat..

can you share a game like that?

I guess it happened in this one too
What is this empty number in roulette..
Simply nothing. 0 wins.
I want my gold back :|
for Optimus - Prime:
yeah, and roulette wants it million back. Eventually it will, you know it :)
Yeah I know but this time even if I go back to zero I would still be in TG with good enough castles :)
All tier 1 will have their use except vets id say
Veterans would have use if Chaos Dwarf was a possible/viable thing :P
If Dwarves had a talent wheel that made it possible, it'd be way Imba :P
With Patriarch Judgement, Resurrect rune, and Full Metal skill.

but only "if" ... :p
Vets would also be good if they had 50/50 stats and unlimited retal and Dragon breath. What's your "point"?
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