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AuthorFlooders Tenthouse
fooled brigands using treasure battle!
Oh yeah!
fooled brigands using treasure battle!
Oh yeah!

That must have been brigands leaving a treasure map in case they forget the location of their cache. Not sure how you came to buy it though, maybe they figured that their cartographer skill could earn them some easy coins?
Never Trusting AI again :/
Lucky to get here just before the Anniversary ended :P
Well its quiet here..
I feel stronger!
ahem..ahem.. :D
CGs here I come!
If you're gonna go CG, play Mixed better, no?
i mean if you're gonna spend in arts, go there and you can attempt to win.

unless you meant Mixed by "cg" then I misunderstood :p

Many dislike mixed though.
for Ipsen:
pvp battles that give good fsp here I come!
Oh nice moonstones and meteorite shards are the same now..
Almost level 5 :O
2018 Exp and 1 FSP, in WG loss. Coincidence probably.
for Optimus - Prime:
Wow you are back? :)
Wow you are back? :)
Yeah :P

Are goblin trappers good on level 5 too ? without battle fury ?
for Optimus - Prime:
Nah... centaurs way better.
And they must be good enough after battle fury then ?
No, they suck.
tribal goblins are not ever useful for their damage. You recruit them for traps and feeding shamans :)
So I should just ignore upgrading them ? :P
Veterans must be no good either I guess ?
I think I will make dwarf my main faction..
Close to LG 3 :)
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