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AuthorFlooders Tenthouse
event :)
So if admins are planning on having alt dwarf only in HTML, and HTML is supposed to be completed in up to half a year more, we need to wait at least another half a year before it's out?
fsl 11 gives 1 extra red rune, 12 gives green one

oh thanks
I don't think dwarves had this from the start, did they?
I don't think dwarves had this from the start, did they?
It was like this at least since I started playing the game. Can't say about earlier.
for Wonderla:
that long ha..
i should have known about this -_-
I can pretty much foresee 15K players online when Alt comes out.
hype train
So if admins are planning on having alt dwarf only in HTML, and HTML is supposed to be completed in up to half a year more, we need to wait at least another half a year before it's out?
Most likely.
But admins said that we can expect final version at feb mid ( i think ).
But admins said that we can expect final version at feb mid ( i think ).
Oh really? I didn't know that, that will be cool.

I can pretty much foresee 15K players online when Alt comes out.
I highly doubt it, maybe 10-12k at most during peak hours.
4 A&D players on the same page:-

what a coincidence
Can someone judge my char? :P
idk if i'm doing anything wrong or need to focus on any specific guilds..
Awesome Anti Skill FSL.
for _evil_007:

Looks pretty sound to me

A couple of guilds almost about to level ad get an extra stat (CG +Mg)

Good antiskill - though your main is a long way from the next level - needs some focus on your main to keep it competitive

Watchers guild could take some more - good farming faction, though not the preference of all

TG as well is good to build up your mains level

You need some more LG (though this is always true for all)

In summary if I was in your position in terms of character build and nothing else I would do as follows

WG and TG whenever you could with your main
Hunts and MG in min arts for alt factions to keep slowly topped up as these take a while
Get CG to next level then perhaps take a pause on that for a bit while you bump up some other guilds (though this is IMO the most fun battle type)
See if you can enrol on your phone to try and get some more per day
OKay so,
Focus on main faction FSL
Focus on TG and WG

What about my secondary factions? I mean do I start increasing their FSL simultaneously or after reaching a certain main factions FSL.

And yeah ill focus on enrolling :D
I would say focus on your mains FSL also yea enrolling
I would say, say whom?, your
I forgot to complete sentence and didn't even realize sigh xD
I meant "I would say focus on your mains FSL also yea enrolling would be nice now?"
this event sucks
Everyone is using the best arts when it's not really needed
It is needed if other people are using best arts
not always though, a better army is much important than 5-6 stat points
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