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AuthorGreat contest! Griffin Liege vs. Manticore Liege
I don't think he was trying to lose, just was that bad. It happens.
I don't think he was trying to lose, just was that bad. It happens.

And then you report or want to unmerge because people go afk the moment they see you, and you still haven't get the hint.
Are u saying intentional AFK or shooting TANKS instead of enemy shooters is being bad at the game?

Like your first shot and u decided to shoot the enemy T7s instead of their shooters.

Nice joke, have been unfairly targeted and discriminated by russians many times due to having english name.

I'll change my name soon in order to blend in and not be a victim of russian bullying.

Try to get as many of them banned as possible
Luck befalls Battlemagi!
Battlemagi deal 697 damage to Invokers. 2 perish.
Battlemagi deal 1424 damage to Frontier ursary. 15 perish.
Battlemagi deal 0 damage to Stormcallers.
Battlemagi deal 1422 damage to Ladons. 10 perish.
Battlemagi deal 1133 damage to Black dragons. 4 perish.
Battlemagi deal 1659 damage to Minotaur soldiers. 25 perish.

on the rare occasion i actually hit luck :)
luck is dynamically balanced, you will hit luck 10%/luck stat you have over a long enough period of time.

you mean to say hit luck when it matters
for Ridrich: nah, if you look at my last few duels i never hit luck on turn 1 and enemys always retaliate with luck and hit morale/turn 1 luck. its just one of those things. i am a shit gambler so i never roll the rng except in rare cases like the one above. when i play rusher elf with 3 luck i hit luck 1/10 games, thats why i stopped playing it :)
That's some hard damage on 5 stacks. Good RNG on luck and luck on the enemy stacking the troops like that:-)
That’s why you go def build with avoidance so it doesn’t matter as much if your opponents get luck on the first turn.

Just hope you don’t get mages
29 wins, gotta hurt.
Missed last win in the last few fights :(

Overall still happy as I think this was my first PvP event.
Congrats to Griffin
Guess what?
Griffin won the last 3 times
The reward looks so nice, for me is +15% fsp very valuable right now :) Also the buns are cool, I can lvl up MG to 8 within couple of hours maybe :)
the losing team got better amulet
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