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if your enjoyment is going pressing the auto button and ruining a game for your partner then you need rehab ..

i can totally see where Aurelija is coming from that battle was so hard to watch with slust and that wiz .

jeez piss poor event
Ye they shouldn't have allowed "Auto combat". It is ruining the fun. Also I agree they should have let us select our partners, the tournament would have been more tactical and more challenging.
if your enjoyment is going pressing the auto button and ruining a game for your partner then you need rehab ..

So,it is me who nees rehab that i dont have the time to play 40 full 1hour combats nad not you guys that you wirte on forums insulting others?
I don't find enjoyment in pressing auto. But admins have created such an event with such a reward I have to press auto just to get the damn art.
For MBC:
I am enjoying the game, I am not enjoying this cancer of an event, the only reason I am playing is arbalet parts.

Another battle another loss. At first glance looks like a normal teammate. Then he doesnt leave his pit untill I am severely rushed. Then he turns on auto. I am severely rushed, doing my best to survive. Trying to inflict as much damage as possible. Rushed from both sides.

The auto guy manages to fight off whatever little was sent towards him. Then he can finaly come and help me.

Instead he starts destroying walls. I am talking, a minuotaur and ogre that are killing my defending unicorns are in range, but instead he walks backward. To hit. A wall. Even his last lizard turn was walking into a wall next to ogre only for ogre to oneshot him.

I lost a won game because this fag chose to click auto. Now tell me, HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO ENJOY THIS?
Player banned by moderator MrBattleControl until 2018-10-26 22:34:02 // FR 2.2 // Insults
Heres the battle btw https://www.lordswm.com/war.php?lt=-1&warid=926674687&html5=1
I don;t particularly like the auto feature on an event when in doing so it affects your partner of which you have no choice over. To me it feels kind of rude to them to reduce there chances. However, that is on the principle of whether it exists, it does so no point moaning about it.

So lets look at it the other way. I am not going to do it as auto. As such there is a greater chance that one of my opponents will auto than my partner will, therefore it existing gives me a better chance of winning. Secondly it will speed up my battle. Both of which are better, as such to someone not doing auto it is more likely to be to your benefit than your detriment.

Your job is therefore to have a character and faction build that has a good chance of winning whether or not your ally is a bot or not.

Seldom in a game with this many variables does a victory ultimately come down to such a simple thing as my ally went auto. A factor of course, but not the whole reason.
[Post deleted by moderator Meshy // User requested]
Player banned by moderator Meshy until 2018-11-01 22:35:47 // Prince Vegeta multi / brother- not allowed on forums
that you wirte on forums insulting others?

when did i insult you ?
you came knocking saying that people making arguments against something is 'pointless'
"I really wonder why you guys keep logging in,as from your sayings the game is bad,unfair,you are always unlucky and many more.

Stop filling the forums with pointless messages and let the rest of us enjoy our time."

Meshy : I don't find enjoyment in pressing auto. But admins have created such an event with such a reward I have to press auto just to get the damn art.

v-Totally understandable . But, since you know you're a dwarf and AI will use retribution on the god damn walls why use it instantly thats basically saying piss off to your partner . atleast play sme initial turn to get out atleast .

sorry for double post above comment can be deleted
Couldn't agree more with Mesh and MilesTeg.

for Aurelija:
Please read the forum rules.
for Prince Vegeta:
Did I do event as dwarf though?
for Meshy:
No i was making an argument against the use of blind auto which created the whole scene. .
for Prince Vegeta:
Yeah it is pretty pointless when the same people make the same complaints every time.

I never said you insulted me,i was talking about Aurelija
for Prince Vegeta:
I also suggest you to sign your multies.
the event is not the problem,auto day is
just wait til tomorrow
Honestly, you don't need to auto a battle to get the artifact reward. It is just 5 battles. And tournament is about 11-12 days I guess. Do 1-2 battles per day you will eventually get the 5 wins.
I personally wouldn't like to have an artifact by ruining others battles by using auto.
We are not tlaking about the statue,it is all about the arbalest parts.
for Neon10:
You're talking about the statue, we are talking about the imperial bow
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