Author | Summer bonus !!! |
Completely agree with posters #55-#60.
Not gonna drop camping for this. |
As post #56 says, it's very good for active players, which I am one of, so I find it really fun. :D |
I don't understand why people are bringing up art cost for 2 battles, as long as you do mg/hg/tg/whatever in minimum AP you get more gold then you spend anyway. |
Nothing never is good for this community. |
I had 14% bonus and I enrolled
I thought I'll do the battle later...I came back after 6 mins and I had received my wages and the bonus reset to 0%
So maybe I was have to win 2 battles before you receive the wages |
Nothing never is good for this community.
this is so true. whiners always whine. |
This appear in red/blue
"work shift end: 19:15"
It's not related to anything, since the time depend on the mine you select.
Try to change mine and see the time also change.
Probably there is a bug that it also got the color of the message and that is confusing. |
I don't understand why people are bringing up art cost for 2 battles, as long as you do mg/hg/tg/whatever in minimum AP you get more gold then you spend anyway.
It's not about wether you can keep a positive balance or not, but if the cost for an extra battle (or even two if you're not going to fight) is worth an increase of 50% of your wage (ignoring that it requires doing 100 battles before getting to that point).
Nothing never is good for this community.
I say it won't change my playing style because it's not worth it, but I don't care that it's there or it's not. In fact I've actually +6% bonus because I had enough hunts coupled with WG to get that, but I'll probably reset to 0 next time I enrol. I don't think I've seen anyone reacting pretty badly about it either. |
Nothing never is good for this community.
lol so true |
It's not about wether you can keep a positive balance or not, but if the cost for an extra battle (or even two if you're not going to fight) is worth an increase of 50% of your wage (ignoring that it requires doing 100 battles before getting to that point).
I don't understand what you mean. As I said there is no "cost" for an extra battle since hunts, mgs, tgs don't cost anything but instead pay you. |
for me there are two costs
the gold cost
the real life time cost
The last one impacts on everything including the first
Doing another fight may not impact on your gold balance, but it may be on the time. I personally simply cannot fight as much as I enroll due to time constraints. That is fine by me, I think it is a shame that this game can squeeze out people because of lack of gold those that cannot enroll during the day without fighting. This gives them a bit of a reprieve, so brings about more balance to those with different real life constraints. |
for Lord MilesTeg:
Yeah of course time is the biggest problem and I understand that, but I meant gold wise it is definitely helpful for those who have time for these battles. |
squeeze out people because of lack of gold those that cannot enroll during the day without fighting
am I missing something? If you just enroll without fighting you won't lose anything, just won't get the bonus |
I had 14% bonus and I enrolled
I thought I'll do the battle later...I came back after 6 mins and I had received my wages and the bonus reset to 0%
So maybe I was have to win 2 battles before you receive the wages
Are you sure you won 2 battles before enrolling again? (Loss battles don't count)
I tested with my multi, I did one battle right after enrolling, and the second after the work-shift ended, but still before the 2nd enroll, and the bonus didn't reset. |
for _Sworks_:
Yes I can confirm it's fine as long as you win 2 battles before enrolling... work shift has NOTHING to do with it. |
for _Sworks_:
the bonus reset before I could even enroll next time...I had 54 mins left to enroll but the bonus dropped to 0% from 14% |
I thought I'll do the battle later...I came back after 6 mins and I had received my wages and the bonus reset to 0%
So maybe I was have to win 2 battles before you receive the wages
Sorry to disagree as I have done my 2 battles after couple of hours & still the bonus is there. |
I had a thought, will this not muck up the economics? From an earlier post your wages come from the facility (not unreasonable). However if only wages increase, but not productivity, then places will be running at losses. Eg you get paid close to 180 for working at a mine producing ore, the ore gets sold for 180, if your % bonus means they pay more than 180 per unit of productivity then they wll make a loss. The net consequence, less places to enroll, something that seems to be the case. Whether this was the ultimate ploy behind this I don;t know, but it will be interesting as to what the long term conseqeunces of this June thing is...... |
ok we have to do 2 battle will after every enroll, no time limit, cool :) |
morning i did one enroll and one battle win bonus is i did 2nd battle(after 12hr) and enroll ...may bonus is 8% now work shift end do nothing..also there is no 60min time...only one condition you have to do 2 win before next enroll |