Author | [News] Surgvilurg's forts |
Atheros having fun as Unholy Necromancer? This is not an event, it is a miracle! |
15 lvl southern front: 116 Frontier ursary, 95 Berserkers, 30 Patriarchs, 15 Invokers and 6 Lava dragons. Absolutely impossible and weakened is still really hard. |
southern front- the grandmaster is at lvl 20 |
I'm doing a might shadow demon. The fiends jump the wall. I break temptresses in to two groups and control 2 units. It seems the wall isn't reducing temptresses control duration.
There's little in this game that gives more joy than seeing EFKs kill a bunch of their own troops, and then get retaliated so they are weaker when you lose control.
Since I went to Shadow Demon I've won 16, lost 2 |
Grandmaster neutralized
what the hjell is this |
I like this event compared to previous castle event. because by knowing what type of enemies you will face, you can counter-build it very hard haha. |
Eastern Front Level 30 Grand master. Would have won if I could deal just 40 more damage. :P
Tomorrow I shall have my revenge. |
How is the catapult's damage increment? I do not see any significant increase in the damage output.
so will it be better to continue upgrading damage or increase its initiative for more turns? For me, it seems to be the same. Opinions? |
level 15 chaos wiz/battlemage
Ballista ATTACK +10, INIT +3
For a chaos caster, higher init is a great bonus: my ballista has +3 init, and moves before my hero. It allows me to break the gate, and deal full damage with my first chain lightning. Then you tear down the walls for maximum damage, if the opponent turtles inside.
Damage to creatures is limited, but useful once there are only 2 or 3 enemy stacks left, and chain lightning would hit own creatures. |
Level of damage: 12
Initiative bonus: +3
At eastern front it peaked at 3k damage on towers at level 30.At southern fort,same catapult does 1.9k at level 4 |
don't know anyone see it, do not waste hit castle gate to attack main tower, 2 cata shot on pillar besides gate(were gate is fixed) , then one cata shot to gate, no matter how much hp for age it down |
i mean no matter how much hp for gate, it down for one hit.. |
So translating - if I am correct - if the gate will take 3 or more hits with the catapult then do not attack it straight away. Instead destroy walls either side (Assuming you can one shot these) then attack gate and it will take only one hit - irrespective of its HP.
Presumably this is of most value in the old siege battles where the gate took lots of damage - as opposed to most of the ones (at least I have come across) in the current event where the gate is pretty much always a one hit anyway.
If so - nice bit of information for WG |
well...i didn't expect to kill grandmaster at first try with FL7 holy the red knight |
Poison Ivy,what do you mean?why hit the pillars? |
man, i got some diamond golems... how the hell am i meant to beat them without using maagic?! |
Should I keep increasing initiative of catapult or damage ? I have +1 initiative and lvl 1 damage and control of catapult right now. |
for Galabar:
IMO get +3 initiative for catapult first then focus all on damage. It works for me anyways.. |
Any tips for Chaos Castle?
I can choose between Tribal, Elf, Demon to battle. Which is best, and tips? |
for AKA:
Haven't tried with the other 2 faction but IMO demon is hands down the best to face chaos opponents. Take max vermins and within a couple of turns watch your mage opponent go from a free for all zapping competition to breaking down in agony.. Fiends can easily leap over walls with no danger to them whatsoever. Only real danger (at my level anyways) was chaos DE with their elemental call + 110 mana.. |