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AuthorNew year events, happy new year 2016!
It's just by chance or random in what you'll get. For 2 days of battle (10 attempts), have gotten:
3x gold
3x sorcerer's cape (excellent for lv12-15 DD)
2x armaments (got a total of 8)
1x Ruby quarterstaff
1 diamond
1x Dradon eye ring 30/30
1x Pendant of wrath 30/30
1x Pendant of wrath 30/30
1x Pendant of wrath 30/30
1x 2k gold

3 Pendants nice :)
Looks like only the first two days it had nice rewards like 4 flame helmets, a flame plate, a pendant of wrath.
Today it was 3x gold and 2x armaments.
for Lawton:
It is random.
anyone ever heard of Mercenary Armor? I just got some from this event and I had no idea that was a thing.
anyone ever heard of Mercenary Armor?


Great drop... if you could sell them.
i think rare item drops are not really worth as it comes as one item only,
some of rare part are weaker than shop arts, unless you collect them to be a full set,
which maybe take forever :P
For all the characters from the third level will be available for 5 fights per day (attempts are not transferred) against Army cold. For the victory can be your reward: gold, armaments, a rare weapon of lowered durability, diamonds, a casket with a gift or an artifact from the store to your level. Modifiers are not working.

Specifically with regards to an artifact from the store to your level. Is it right to assume this is no longer true? I always though "to your level" means if i'm lv12, i'll get lv12 arts but today gotten Penumbral ring (lv10).

Today's loot:
1x Diamond
1x Penumbral ring
1x Mage instructor staff
1x Gold
1x Armament (5 of them)
army of cold : 14/15 lost last battle against too fat mage :(

1.Flame boots [35/35]
2.Ring of torment [32/32]
3.Apprentice necromancer hood [15/15]
4.3x armaments
5. lost
Todays Loot:-
1. Gold
2. 4X Arnaments
3. Tower Shield (35/35)
4. 1 diamond
5. 1 diamond

Thieves' guild: 1 (118) +2
And TG 2 ofcourse. xD
Specifically with regards to an artifact from the store to your level. Is it right to assume this is no longer true? I always though "to your level" means if i'm lv12, i'll get lv12 arts but today gotten Penumbral ring (lv10).

There is no lvl 12 ring.
anybody had any luck defeating mages? - I lose every time even with full gear, barrier and resistance talents??
seems mages are way more powerful (too fat) than all the remaining builds..
For #72

Yeah, had mages a couple times (like full mage build I'm guessing you mean with 100+ mana). I just rushed their shooters (the blue mages and snowmen or w/e) then took out the remaining in due time (the melee units are a bit slower)

Going up against mages it's always important to end it as quickly as possible, perhaps post the battle and we can give some tips upon seeing it?
anybody had any luck defeating mages? - I lose every time even with full gear, barrier and resistance talents??
seems mages are way more powerful (too fat) than all the remaining builds..

I saw your last battle. Why are you playing barb with no offense talents..? It makes no sense. You have luck but no offense outside those triggers. Personally i wouldn't recommend your build in any scenario. Also note that 20% barrier and 20% resistance works out to 36% and it isn't worth it since you spend a lot of talent points to get that stuff (7 for resistance and 16 for basic defense and barrier) considering you would get expert fortune anyway.

Go for retribution + innate swiftness with or without rally.
Works wonders, and morale is better than luck in your case, cause your build will be more stable in dmg with retribution.
thanks for tips guys.. I believe I have tried a few builds so far. However, it seems I haven't been paying much attention in the details on resistance/barrier mechanisms and maybe underestimated the offence-talents in favor of luck.
I will try a morale/offense/luck (in that order of priority) build for tomorrow.

Never too late to learn.
Appreciate your feedback Meshy, V_V and Kratos!
Was there anythining about not working weapon modifiers in official news?
I didn't found any info in https://www.lordswm.com/forum_messages.php?tid=2420059 so i want to thank admins for lots of wasted money <3
for GoalkeeperAnsar:
In the .ru it was mentioned. Refer to Corey's post 15.
Army of Cold, Won: 20/20
I got:

1. 19*Armaments (18 useless, 1 useful)
2. Hauberk 20/20
3. Amulet of Luck 12/12
4. Ring of Abdication 25/25
5. 5448 gold
6. Dwarf Craftman Targe 15/15 (What am I supposed to do with it? Required CL:11 -.-)
7. 2 Diamonds
8. Chest of Abundance (2 fsp)
9. Hauberk 20/20
10. Galoshes of Battle 17/17
11. Shield of Glory 20/20

And 3.32*17+2.98*3 = 65.38 FSP

It was good event overall. :)
It was a great event. :) We need more events like this.)
Army of Cold, Won: 20/20[/quote
Todays Loot:-
1. Dwarf Warrior Hammer. (15/15)
2. 3X Arnament
3. Composite Bow (27/27)
4. 1 Diamond
5. 3X Arnament
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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