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for Lord MilesTeg:
Yeah I'm quite sure it should work.
The point is you keep playing at a very hard level with you farming partners, and when their 96 attempts finish you switch to the other maxer and reduce the difficulty. Since you should be at the very top by the time you pair up with the other maxer, you should still be at the highest level even after reducing difficulty level.
Good build for fsp farming / first levels:

Hall of unity

Bandits (they do more damage in meelee than shooting)
Goblin Warlocks (3 or 4 stacks of 5 are enough)

Since most stacks are big, it's worth to give some percent to recruit count.
To speed things a bit up, I wear artifacts with morale/ini boost.
for randomr1:

if you see players with ghost/apparations or simply guardians then you'll know what I am talking about

True that forest brethren is the best choice at first, then what's next? There are still a lot choices

Given how many different creatures are there in the game, it's really not that easy to balance the number and price
Given how many different creatures are there in the game, it's really not that easy to balance the number and price

True. That said, some creatures are just a terrible choice, no matter how you put it up.

For exemple, would you ever consider picking sprites or veteran?
picking sprites or veteran?

They were overly abused in previous events. Similar creatures like invokers, dragons and etc. Admins simply want us to try something else.
Forest bretheren as ever seem to be good
I have done one battle with rogues which actually are not so bad - high ini is rather useful in shutting down shooters quickly - then a more chunky stack to add the meat - I have gone for bandits and skellies as have some meat on them (well I grant you not actually any on the skells!) but have move of 5 and better ini than the other meat options of knights.

I am not saying it is necessarily the best build, but is faster which means better liklihood of completing your battle in 10 mins, upgrading and enrolling- which if you are farming is preferable
They were overly abused in previous events.

That's two random exemples. I can get 15 engineers or 7 grem wreckers. They have same stats but wreckers have 1 more speed. Or you can have also 15 bandits that have twice the ranged damage of grem wreckers, 4 times the melee damage about 3 times the HP and trade that for 20% extra ini for wreckers.

Would you go for wreckers over engineers?
Wreckers over bandits?
Even for a magic build I would probably not pick wreckers because HP is so low that 25% extra magic damage on 1 stack isn't worth the HP trade off. Yet, hardly anybody used wreackers last time as far as I have observed.
Gremlin wreckers have been used extensively in past PoTs, that's why they're really expensive now. If I remember correctly, they were the same price as gremlin engineers in some PoT. Keep in mind wrecker's mining ability makes them way better than gremlin engineers. Basically any troop/build that is ridiculously expensive now was one of those "perfect" troops in past PoTs, that's why admins have made them ridiculously expensive - so that players can't copy the strategies of the top players in previous PoTs by using the same troops.
well it looks to me like ai is set to super screw you. to bad admin wants everyone to quit playing this game. Yes I understand, you think game has to be super hard to have any fun, sorry about your life.
well it looks to me like ai is set to super screw you. to bad admin wants everyone to quit playing this game. Yes I understand, you think game has to be super hard to have any fun, sorry about your life.

Have to agree with the insane AI, the enemy now doesn't budge at all unless you lure them with a worthwhile, major stack. While their shooters pummel you since you don't have any yourself. Our shooters also tend to be expensive and don't do much, since theirs are so OP.

And there's the isolated case where wild goblins run off, doing a melee hit when they could range, so that they are out of range of your main melee stack
logged in after 3 week, still same boring game and repeated event, good luck admin see you nxt month
for Slust:

if you played all POTs before, then you know wreckers used to be a "must-start" troop because of their mining ability
POT used to be fun when it was just 7 battles and 56 in total, now it's almost twice that many battles so it has become more a job while reducement in everything else, from crystals to units to magic. And every time they come with a POT event, they reduce things even further. Now certain people will say then not to play it. Believe me, more and more people have stopped and are stopping playing the events. During events it used to be 7k during nights and over 12k during day, sometimes even the servers would crash, now it's 2k during nights and 7k during the day, event or no event.
While the AI can mass decay delay or whatever, you might only be able to do that on your last day but then your unit count would be so low due to it, you would barely survive the first turn.
And also I would like to see if there will even be one player choosing the 54 crystal per cleric, because otherwise why even put it in the list?
And also I would like to see if there will even be one player choosing the 54 crystal per cleric, because otherwise why even put it in the list?

The cleric is by far the biggest joke alongside MG2 900 Crystals. :P
something useful i noticed was that when using bandits the enemies will move next to them to block their shot but wont attack them unless they are already blocked. this is helpful with positioning enemy units where you want them to go and essentially having an enemy melee unit waste its turn
for theangrybarb:

Good find. Will be very useful as I rely heavily on bandits.
Great just great. Havin -1 luck (from necro) apparently gives you 6 bad luck hits in a single battle.
Found out 4 barb birds build is quite good.
Was using forest brethren and found a ru player using it with around ~10 of each birds with small ogre magi stack for buff and I switched to it
Also possible to add orc shaman and gob warlock for small debuff, all within 1 faction
Found out 4 barb birds build is quite good.
Was using forest brethren and found a ru player using it with around ~10 of each birds with small ogre magi stack for buff and I switched to it
Also possible to add orc shaman and gob warlock for small debuff, all within 1 faction

I'm using 3 birds, no thunderbirds with ogre trophy hunters. Using rocs to carry those tanks ahead while firebirds and dark rocs hit hard the first turn.
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