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Author[NEWS]Secret Thief Missive
I've won 17/21, my last combat was against 45 buffaloes and 37+37+38 stallions and buffalo trigged morale at first turn... Game over :(
how much does the troops increase for each win?
I don't know, 'cause always change formation.
6/7 using MH set.
for Moana:
you are using full stack of minos just to take retail? 0_omg..
for Stranger:
when I've only 19 minos, yes.

when I use 6 witch instead of 8 and 39 minos, I split them
8/17 in min AP and faction skill 5.

This buffaloes are real killers! Tons of damage...
2/3 in 7 full arts, these fights are difficult, a mixture hero with super strong magic and strong melee units, one wrong move means you are dead.
I suggest using minimum or medium AP.

3/4 in 14 AP so far.
yes, but they will get difficult really fast.
17/27 so far and over 50 fsp :) !
will they be stronger depending on the arts you wear? and how often we get mounts?
for kiwi:

They are getting stronger when you win
They are getting weaker when you loose

Same as caravans, it doesn't depend on your AP.
btw, this "Greenpeace Druids" roasting their own troops by chain lightning as well! )))
This buffaloes are real killers! Tons of damage...

can't stand the damage from them...
Let those buffaloes tear limbs of your troops with their horns !

Let those elephants crush your puny nimb honorless bones !

Let the neigh of those horses scare and terrify your troops !

To hell with Thieves ! Crush them all !
Then i see buffalos first time i think, "this gonna be awesome to range factions, since they got less hp and defense than elephants, but gonna be terrible to melee factions because they crash everyhing!" xD
hmm question for those who ambushing pacmaster, did anyone noticed that their power decreases I mean number of animals in that ambush if you lose?
To TasKurPavaro.

I don't think so, my last 2 combat were:
33+33+35 buffaloes and 23 stallions (lost)
32+32+34 buffaloes BUT 35 stallions (lost again...)
they do get weaker, but not much
like 7% stronger if you win and 2% weaker if you lose
In my case, buffaloes got weaker about 3% but stallion got stronger over 50%, so I don't know...
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