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Author[NEWS]Festival of Demons
Oops. Didn't answer all the questions. Spell power 16, knowledge 9 at level 10.
So it's after 12:00 now. Anyone getting extra fsp yet?
for Berserkas:
#60 & #61.

Ahh.. ok, got it. Thanks !

Spell power 16, knowledge 9 Hmmm...
thats different for all levels.
I saw a lev12 with 21 spellpower and 9 knowledge i think.
Cant check anymore since other persons battles are hidden now
one question, when counting the scores, is the scores done by magic demon and might demon counted together or separately?

If counted together, why bother use magic demon? apparently might build is much better...
i like this i just payed out for hound succubi and spawns now i need market darn impulse but i suppose i was gonna change to something soon
for Liuker:
Counted together, you can chose magic build to see how bad demons are with it=)
Yeah, I tried magic demon and found my score to be not even half of the score I got with might demon.
It's not that demons are bad with magic, it's that a pure magic build nearly always does bad in survival tournaments for any faction.
In a PvP, demons due to having the potential to have 14 units on the field, can last a while. If you are bombarding the enemy with high spell power fireballs, or mass poisons while keeping your units away from combat, a magic build can work.
for Barbarian-Fishy:
It is. As i dont want to repeat myself - you can read this https://www.lordswm.com/forum_messages.php?tid=1891536&page=1 =)
My opinion stay the same - demons are bad in magic build at least they r worse that wizards and DE in it=)
Hey, Curious if this is the same for anyone else, but some of my demon buildings are more expensive than they were previously... Spawn building and hellhorse building in particular.
ofc arctic lives...since he was blocked empire became way more active so...
guys, you don't have to change to demon faction to join the tournament, I am a knight in hunts and demon in tournament, it's automatically ! ( I don't remember which post it was, i just mention it :P)

Good luck to all participants !
for Hallion91:
Well, yes, but if you want some good demon faction points it's profitable to do it now.
On 12 level preset talent combination for magic demon have Hellfire talent in it, so after a few rounds your will have no mana left :( Very stupid thing, don't play magic on this level...
for PenTus:

its on all levels -_-" really..stupid !
closed by Lord Kolyansan (2010-12-18 19:54:52)
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