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AuthorI&S capital review
Explorer's guild.In it,people will travel from different places and fight several sort of creatures.Rewards will be achieved at different lvls.
A five star estate costs around 3.5M and the reward is minimal:
45% faster health and mana restoration in only one out of nine locations
(and an additional income of 1.5k a week).
Even in some events most estates are no advantage (since you can only attack frmo a few regions)
So my suggestion is to increase the bonus for the estate OWNER. They get the faster health and mana restoration in all locations on the map (or perhaps only the adjacent locations)

Supply and Demand created those prices, so some people must think its worth the gold.
NO. Those people are players from the russian server and all they do here is enroll:

(look at the very low ID number, and their low combat level and high LG)
Those players cuase huge infation in our server ...
Gives us thousands types of consumables available for diamonds (this is the MAIN source of real money in many online games).

Some examples:

Lesser Attack potion
Effect: +3 attack for one battle
Price: 1 diamond

Attack potion
Effect: +6 attack for one battle
Price: 3 diamonds

Greater Attack potion
Effect: +9 attack for one battle
Price: 10 diamonds

Potion of Increased Experience
Effect: +100% experience for the next battle
Price: 1 diamond

Potion of Reduced Experience
Effect: -50% experience for the next battle
Price: 1 diamond

Potion of Devil's curse
Effect: -1 luck to all enemies for the next battle
Price: 3 diamonds

Potion of Switch Army
Effect: your army in the next 1 vs 1 combat (even if that will happen a year later) will switch with opponent's army (unless he also drinks such potion then no effect in this case)
Price: 5 diamonds

Potion of Roaming Infected Zombies
Effect: in the beginning of the next combat 5 stacks of 2 Infected Zombies are randomly placed and walks in random direction and attacks if they meet somebody on their way (even other zombie stack, your stack or enemy stack)
Price: 1 diamond

... make thousands various consumables and you will become millionaires. Don't believe me? Just try it.
for Robai:
Yes, but that will split the community into those willing to pay against those unwilling to play. Those willing to pay will then buy the +9 attack, -1 luck to enemy, reduced experience, and any other positive effects then go to fight duels/GBs or tournaments while those that are unwilling to pay will not.
Then again, there ARE the diamond mines...
But remember why those temporary effects buildings were removed? Such notions as "temporary effect" exert unfavorable influence upon faction balance; they should not be an option It's something like that. Unfavorable influence for people willing to pay and this game will become one of those MMORPGs out there that you must pay to compete. Otherwise, you will never win.
Exactly. Do you like to win easily (or try to do it?): buy diamond upgrades and these new potions. And players who can't buy diamonds with real money (15000 for 1 diamond is a score i can't even think to spend :D) will leave the game. Or, maybe, they will only play as casual players, and they will not be interested in this game like it was in the past, with a consequential loss of ideas and suggestions.
Yes, but that will split the community into those willing to pay against those unwilling to play.
LoL, we have such splitting of community in any online game, including this one.

And players who can't buy diamonds with real money (15000 for 1 diamond is a score i can't even think to spend :D) will leave the game.
Yes, we should have left this game 2 years ago because there were diamonds, which can be used for castle upgrades or buying TGI :)
Hunt records made by such players are unfair :)
Who really cares?
Enjoy free game and don't forget to drink Potion of Roaming Infected Zombies from time to time :)

By the way, there should be also this:

Potion of Random Effect
Effect: absolutely random effect in the next battle (you can become very powerful or very weak - nobody knows)
Price: 1 diamond
Trading all resources - also nickel, steel etc. ( now only basic 5 + elements )
If this has been mentioned before, forgive me.

How about a merchant's guild? This is called Lords of War and Money so why not create a guild for merchants that allows you to boost the amount of items listed as you rise through the ranks or some other benefit?

Yes, we should have left this game 2 years ago because there were diamonds, which can be used for castle upgrades or buying TGI :)
Hunt records made by such players are unfair :)
Who really cares?
Enjoy free game and don't forget to drink Potion of Roaming Infected Zombies from time to time :)

Nah, you can deal with these things. Worst would be give such a boost to diamond utilities. This would be simply too much (and yet we have tournament unbalanced in which winners are so only thanks to diamond upgrades).

Hunt records? Who cares about spending 6k every battle to establish a.. record? What is it, something to eat?
I can ask you the same thing... Who really cares about establish records?
It's better to fight competition with equal chances. And records are not competitions in the strict sense, like Survival or Minor tournaments.
I'm enjoying this game, otherwise I would apply my time in a more creative way.
But it's not written that this game should become a monthly-fee game like many others. This should be a game in which you can compete also without spending a single real dollar/euro.

My successive idea, then, is this: make diamond upgrades allowed only for hunts, group battles, thieving and mercenary quests. But not in the tournament. Simply because this destroy a real competition between players.
If the intention of the developer is to make a good game, enjoyable from everyone. If not, if their goal is to make money only, well... things can remain the same, or even become worst, like it would be with diamond potions.
Allow us to choose what Dungeons and Dragons calls an "alignment."



Chaos or Law

Each choice would offer special benefits.
Create weapons that do extra damage vs specific opponents:

+4 Holy Sword( +6 vs demonic opponents)
+3 staff ( +5 vs flying creatures)

and so on....

Offer a two handed sword doing mighty damage while giving up the use of a shield.
[Post deleted by moderator Arctic // Off-topic]
Alot of new things have been suggested, but I wanna focus on something we currently have that requires tweaking.

My concern is that of the spell Disruption Ray.

I play mostly as a Holy Magic Knight and utilise almost all the spells available to me with the exception of Mass Dispersion (rarely used by me). All Holy spells with the exception of Teleport (lv4) and Dispersion are duration spells, meaning spellpower will be taken into account. Yet for Disruption Ray, the "mirror image" of Stoneskin in the Darkness Magic school is NOT a duration spell, leaving a permanent effect on any unit casted upon.

In battles, this leaves quite an imbalance where Holy casters have to invest in SP to keep their Stoneskin spell working while any Dark caster with even 1 KNW will be able to reduce Defence parameters PERMANENTLY throughout a battle, which seems rather an imbalance.

My proposal: either create a similar mechanism like those for duration spells for Dis Ray to work on, or at least configure that Dispersion or Antimagic can remove the collective effect of a or a multiple of Dis Rays casted upon a unit.

Just my view. Not necessarily agreeable to everyone but just my take on making both buff-oriented magic schools balanced. (Holy - Dark)
[Post deleted by moderator Arctic // Off-topic]
[Post deleted by moderator Arctic // Off-topic]
[Post deleted by moderator Arctic // Off-topic]
[Post deleted by moderator Arctic // Off-topic]
[Post deleted by moderator Arctic // Off-topic]
[Post deleted by moderator Arctic // Off-topic]
Discussion has arisen leading to off-topic posts. Closed.
After some time to process and analyze the topic, I shall reopen it and post as promised.
closed by Arctic (2010-11-10 20:06:28)
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