Author | 4th Annual Mashable Awards |
Oops! There was an error with your vote.
* You must select a category to vote in.
I got that message .. even I have selected the category and the name of the game .. and clicked Just Nominate .. :)
Anyone knows to handle this ? |
+2 votes |
i hv done my part |
+3 |
+4 |
+ another vote in :) |
+ wow they are really going all out |
+1 vote |
+ |
+1 |
+3 |
+5 |
+1 vote |
+4 |
+ :) |
voted. |
Still error for me .. :( this is bad .. :( |
for _ChaosMagic_:
I have the same problem. |
come on guys we need more votes than this! |
+5 |