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Yay Arctic is back^^
wow i am a new active player here in the game ..i did not yet experience that arctic was been here in the game..but i wish, and they said
arctic is one of the admin who makes the game always better...
i welcomed you back here :D
its my pleasure to be here ..
i wish you can help the game better and clean..

i have more expectations here in the game now with you Arctic..^^
10 October 2010 is a memorial day: The return of Arctic =D

ur back and we will be having more events...
10 October 2010 is a memorial day: The return of Arctic =D

He timed it such -> 10-10-10. :)
10 October 2010 is a memorial day: The return of Arctic =D

He timed it such -> 10-10-10. :)

i guess so
Welcome Arctic :D !!!
10-10-10. Memorial Day :)

It's official. It strikes me that we don't have any in-game celebrations or holidays: make this so and spread the word!
Good to see you back Arctic.

For those criticising new players who don't know who is Arctic. Grouw up. I am much more disappointed about your lack of courtesy, than I am in their lack of knowledge rearding a player who hasn't been here for 6 months. No offence to Arctic intended in that comment.
While I am also glad to see Artic back, I would caution everyone to remain calm and not go *too* overboard with expectations.

Artic is one person and can only achieve so much in the time he has to give this server. As he himself has said I have been summoned by our admins to do certain update work.

Artic is certainly capable, but his available time is limited, so wishing for things beyond what he has specifically returned to achieve may result in future disappointment.

Having said that, I am hopeful that Artic has returned to give us a memorable event/update, and am looking forward to the next few weeks to see what our future holds.

Have Fun

10-10-10. :)
welcome back ^_^
big thx arctic=)
he doesn't get it..that new system is for developed LG server like .ru

our server still growing..should not be implemented

Very true :)
Please get some other "AcTiVe" players who can ensure a better management of the game... We are getting bored here... playing with cheaters and people who do not respect others..... Please...
Great news, finally! Agree on most statements made before, welcome back.
Expectations running up and high . . . just hopin they don't die! ;)
Oh yes please dont do the labor guild reform=))))
I am happy to hear there will be new updates. However, I am troubled a bit. Thing is, I would prefer 1 update every month, not 12 updates once a year.
I remember last time when grand update came - change in TGI and Enchanting as well. And at that time I had 2 choices - focus on getting TGI at TG lvl 4 and spend all my money on leased enchanted weapons, or focus on enchanting weapons and spend all my money on buying elements. I couldn't have both.
I am just afraid this grand update might bring similar dilemma.
kiz what do u have to say to this? =)
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