Author | No Arts no Battles.... Admins, think!!! |
for Perkalov:
Now you continue to attack me personally and I will always respond to that. Again, I explained the Bravery Medals market previously but you like to pop off without reading anything.
"Check the transfer log" to see if you were dealing in the shield market to know what you were bloviating about. That's quite obvious. A threat? Give me a break.
Credibility just went out the window with that.
It's fun to see a player using 5 characters to manipulate the market? LOL...ya OK.
I don't care if you don't like my attitude. In fact I'm pleased you don't. League of Shadows is all about fighting corruption. Thats how we roll. You don't like it? TOUGH! |
i think it would be great to make one server insted of 2. i think most of players would agree to transfer all account from this server to ru and make on that server an option to choose language betveen ru and eng. |
I am prolly stupid, but I fail to see where I "attack you personally" please qoute me where I have done so and you will get my immediate apology on those parts.
"It's fun to see a player using 5 characters to manipulate the market? LOL...ya OK."
If you say so. Its at any rate nothing I said.
I'm not talking about "you" as in a single person, but rather "you" as a group.
And as a group, not your clan, but rather the group of ppl that has the attitude you (as a person) hold in this thread. I simply do not like any group of extremists. |
for Perkalov:
Well as you explained to me in PM. You think it's childish to worry about cheaters. I happen to feel the opposite to the extreme. I won't apologize for it either. Most of us on this server care about nabbing cheaters and seeing them taken care of. That leaves you WAY on the other side of things. Your clan holds to the creed we hold to and evicts cheaters and also refuses their applications. Sorry you don't subscribe to your clan's motto, not my problem. |
I would love to spend at least part of my time here at LWM kicking out cheaters or imposing vast and just penalty for taking advantage of Empress. Now rather let's look at what just happened.
Now about the thread: Administrators opened door WIDE for speculators to allow them to be the lords of money. Nice. Now we all will go back to mining and complete the dreadful cycle of returning the market to a lower profit "equilibrium" where volatility is reduced.
Personally I prefer to see cheap arts as just that, not a place to make a profit, merely a living. To profit from poor low levels is not welcoming them to our game. But then again a few percent is not too much really even 10 percent is not an immoral tax, more a levy or rate or donation to a merchant's benevolence ) |
I couldnt care less for cheaters, I just dont socialize with them. That ain't the same as
1. Me being one.
2. Me agreeing to their actions.
3. Me believing that anything cheaters do, will affect me in an permanent way.
4. Me thinking that they should go unpunished if detected. Since I am a firm believer in following rules in general.
I do however believe that the rules in this game is draconic and on top of that so many that its actually hard to keep track :P BUT, I am playing the game and has therefor accepted the rules. And as you pointed out, I belive that the idea that you are actually making a difference (as far as cheaters go) is childish. People well keep on cheating, even thou we got our own Stasi. And we are back to square one, I do not like bigotry.
And it does in a way have the effect that I tolerate cheaters as long as they dun whine when getting punished.
As a sidenote, I would not refer to any PMs or posting them if I was in your shoe's, given the one's you posts your self. But that just me. |
for Perkalov:
You continue to lay things at my feet that I never typed or even implied. I never said, thought, or believed that people would stop cheating. That isn't the point of bringing them to justice though is it? I would hate to see the society you would run if you were in control. Do you think any law enforcement in any country thinks that crime will stop however much they punish? No. Does that mean that we are to ignore it? No. Can it slow down the amount of cheating if players see people being fined and banned? Yes. You can tolerate cheating if you want but it doesn't mean the rest of us have to. It can and would make a difference if there was an active admin penalizing cheaters, not to mention the uplift in spirit it would bring to the rest of us who play by the rules. You are a marginal gamer and so you really don't care too much. The gamers here do care. I think I can safely claim that to be true. |
Went to bed, so I'll answer to the direct missunderstanding.
Modi wrote:
"You continue to lay things at my feet that I never typed or even implied. I never said, thought, or believed that people would stop cheating."
And I never said you did. I believe that I started that particular part with "I belive". How can this be twisted into me continuing "to lay things at" your feet? I was refering to what "I belive".
Other than that, this convy is, for now, over as far as I'm concerned. |
#56 (agree)
Oh wait... The greedy corrupted and what not merchants will do the opposit and fill the slots with LG 0 characters. Get ready for the clic wars :p
lol :-D
#65 (agree)
To profit from poor low levels is not welcoming them to our game.
That's what I am concerned about, too. It is admin's action that caused this situation, noone can blame merchants.
League of Shadows is all about fighting corruption.
Where is it? I hope you don't connect corruption with business that merchants do in any way. |
i think mods should allow hunt and quest battle without AP or at least with lesser, because reparing strong arts its expensive, and market price are even worse |
for Perkalov:
Good idea to drop it. I should have looked at your profile earlier than I did to see you hardly even play the game. I wouldn't have wasted my time. |
for jrf:
As stated above, there is a player with 5 accounts manipulating markets. I would call that corruption.Anyone know of a program that auto-posts? lol It gets old repeating the same things over and over. |
for Gato: i dont agree - firstly, players should save up some money for a rainy day, imo (except castle constructions), and anyways, most of the artifact supplies are back.
for a lvl 7, you could take reprisal sword + defender shield + amulet of luck which i think is the cheapest min ap set for the artifacts which are in stock right now.
if you took the time, you could buy leather armour at end of workshift and combine with light axe (instead of reprisal sword). similarly, you could take medal of bravery instead of amulet of luck. |
The admins don`t carry much about this server.
Don`t complain, just enjoy the game.)) |
for Gato:
Come on, can we stop the big thinking that MODS can do something about the game.
MODS : There to enforce some rules in the forums and the chats.
ADMINS : Can manipulate the game, develop it and update it.
Freaking tired of people putting everything on the MODS when they actually can do a thing about that game. Get your freaking target of MODS and put it on the right persons, the ADMINS. |
You would also have noticed that I've played the game nearly a year longer then you :P |
for Perkalov:
Yeah, those 1168 battles you fought in almost two years tells me you are a real gamer! lol |
Yeah, it's very shameful he/she has a real life, LOL!!!
Also personally attacking each other surely doesn’t serve the point of this thread. And an arguing between a liberal and a conservative is always pointless and never draws to a conclusion (although they are great at beating each other) XD
As for the big server problem, it’s the absence of admins and their total disregard towards us rather than the cheaters (although they may discourage honest players). I have an unprocessed insulting pm report for more than 5 months and surely I won’t bother report anyone again just to feel righteous (check the countless unprocessed cases in CaA). That of course would change if we had some admins feedback.
And new players wouldn’t feel welcome even if there was no market manipulation, check latest updates for that! |
Hmm, guys, dont get too personal :-)
But seriously if I may contribute: I have been observing and using the market for more than a year. It doesnt matter what you do, the prices of artifacts are always decided by two factors. Only two factors:
Number of artifact produced lowers the price, demand raises the price.
You grab a few of them and sell them? Thats precisely the same action that the evil merchants do. They take only a small portion out of the circulation for short amount of time. Its like filling a bathsink with gas, then using it for a month and claiming to lower the price because the demand has dropped.
These shortages are all orchestrated by administration and just a result of rigid economic model.
Even if you managed with friends to(for some reason) grab 90% of shields during shortage, what can you do with them when demand is much above the production???
1.Discard/store them, thus draining the market to crisis.
2.Sell them for factory price, which would immediately be used by merchants to buy and resell them for profit.
3.Sell them for 200-300 gold profit which is definately the same action that the evil merchants do.
Only way would be to fill into working places few LG 7-8 characters for 24/7 labour. Grabbing the shields in order to manipulate anything is waste of time and effort, because it doesnt work this way. |
1.Discard/store them, thus draining the market to crisis.
Also to this point storing is impossible because character inventories are limited. Discarding doesnt make much profit, so you would have to use multis in order to drain the market by discarding items, then sell the artifact overpriced with the main.
But if you have more than 5 accounts, there are probably easier ways to cheat, then working with 4 of them just to play for artifacts you want to destroy. I dont know if anyone done this before, probably not. |