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Authora more honest tournament
for Luckas:

Sorry, I don't need your explanation and you don't need to since it's
declared L-E-G-A-L.
I don't like you make this thread too personal.
I hope there are some suggestion could be heard by admin, just that's simple.
I don't think you will win level 10 since you lost too much before staging.
So don't taking that I'm aiming you since it's declared L-E-G-A-L. As long as
you win no prize, you will not get a penny penalty.

For you staging, I have made my judge based on the evidence in the post
I won't change my mind. The staging is just too obvious. So you can save your time.
Well, as i said before, i will sleep well tonight, i suggest you to do the same. I offered myself to give an explanation of my movements, but you refuse to simply think that something can go different from your way of thinking.

Problems are all yours.
And i have to add that this way of thinking will not led you so far in the real life, which is much more important than this game. And consequencially, the fact that you think that I am a cheater-who-is-acting-legal don't touch me so much, sorry.
WOW... after eleven tournament-battles i just had my first fight where ANOTHER clan ganged up... not EW - no, seriously! believe me, it was NOT EW...

rats are spreading the plague...
Inst this thread suppose to be a Suggestion ? :)
Inst this thread suppose to be a Suggestion ? :)

you're right!

my suggestion: neverever make a blindfold tournament again! NEVER!
Make clan wars, tournament against AI, duel-tournament, tournaments where people have to wear funny hats, whatever...

but never bring a blindfold again!

the amount of frustration and anger isn't worth it... it's even worse than the times where everybody was whining that the server is dead.
Zarebrant you are truly right.
more honest tournament can be arcomage tournament
Something neat could be a AI vs NPC event...like that merc mission that has "Waves" of monsters attack. Maybe have 3 vs waves of enemies...see how well the random teams work together towards defeating the waves/stacks, etc. That would be neat :)
Remember guys, don't turn this into a person attack forum. If I see anything like Garden vs Lukas again, I will mete out punishment. This is a warning.

I personally would like to have a rules change for the blindfold tournament.
6 players, current arena map.
You are ONLY ALLOWED to attack the player on the right and defend against the player on the left.
If you do not take offensive action after a few round, your troops go independent.
If you attempt to attack a player that is not your valid target, your troops go independent.
You get point = number of players you defeat (not your placing at the end).

You guys think this can work?
Might be harder than it seems.
1.Cerberi, hydra, efk can attack multiple targets so independence wouldnt work on them all the time. Or maybe just your target HP has to be at least 50% of friendly HP you attack..seems to complicated though.
2.Defend against the person to the left. I am not sure how could I defend against shrews/shooters without attacking back.

Maybe implementing some of the Kotrin`s rules of everyone for oneself tournament of warriors guild would help.
Or the easier scheme alredy posted: 3vs3 North vs. South. After one group`s elimination, last remaining fight everyone for oneself.
Even the "Destroy the Dwarven statue" would work better than blindfold(10 rounds with statue placed in center, who does more damage, wins.)..ok now that was stupid.
Not to mention normal duels/groups/survival/dragon hunting schemes..
But after your idea, one more thing occurs to me. "If you try to cause one player more than 33% of your damage, you go independent." This way you have to attack 3-4 enemies from the start. Everytime a player goes out, the number of % changes.

The number of % is just a basic idea, could be tuned out.
72. This wouldnt work too with 2vs4 on blindfold. Rethinking that deeper - You can scratch that.
About all the fuss on EW teaming, well, I HAVE NOT LOOKED AT THESE BATTLES (do not have time ATM), but the log looks suspicious; I just want people to have all the facts.

believe it or not elite warriors still get teamed up on contrary to what everyone says in the forums still, teaming up together is just a way to avoid this (as it's no fun if we just don't team up and then just get ganked ourselves)

Guess you can add another 2 players to the long list of non-teaming players who you, and 3 other of your clan mates, made waste 1-2 hours in a no funbattle. Top 4 positions as well. Well done.

I personally would like to have a rules change for the blindfold tournament.
6 players, current arena map.
You are ONLY ALLOWED to attack the player on the right and defend against the player on the left.
If you do not take offensive action after a few round, your troops go independent.
If you attempt to attack a player that is not your valid target, your troops go independent.
You get point = number of players you defeat (not your placing at the end).

Funny enough, i was thinking of something similiar, but with a variant: you can only attack one player, that is the first you hit with your first attack, all attacks directed to another player will have 50% less effect, if you hit a third player it will go down to 33%, a fourth to 25%, the fifth you will only do 12.5%.

Your effectiveness is only restored when your first opponent is out (wich gives you a good reason to stand on it, and to the others not to touch him!)

This would make it much more equilibrated, since while going to the end of the battle, players that hit randomly once or twice here and there would get a much higer penality than those who fought first one than another player.

(By experience i noticed that the best fight is where you get 3 times 1 Vs 1: usually there always is a slow fight that last longer, so the players winning the first and second fight get even between them while 5 and 6 finish their business, then whatever remained from 1-4 dispute the endgame with the winner of 5-6)
for telca:
Chaos is another kind of fun. :)
Watch my last tournament battle. Almost all players had more than 2
players as targets the same time.
now i'm one of them...
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