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AuthorFirst Battle of the Clans Tournament
GEs response till now
updated List of Participating Clans:

Dragon Slaughter
German Elitehunters
League of Shadows
Steel Dragons
Elite Warriors
Warriors' Guild Wrath
Dark Alliance
The Shadow of Death
Let me throw this idea out. Looks like there are a lot of players thirsting for fun here and if we pull off the first tournament and all had fun, then we would want more of the same. My idea is this; Let's have a different clan host the tournament on a rotation basis. LOS will go last. Dragon Alliance can be the first to host. We go with Binghuo's outline to get the ball rolling. Each clan leader can submit one amendment to the outline if they find something intolerable and that can be voted on by the clan leaders to see if it gets passed. The next week can be Elite's Tourney, then WG and so on.
This way we can have a variety of tournaments and when we run through the lot, we can pick and choose from all the tournament outlines to create one standard with the best ideas from all the outlines. We want to have fun, right? Let's not get bogged down negotiating so we can move forward. Does any clan leader have a problem with this idea? LOS is willing to play any tournament outline as we will have our chance to host one later as will all of you. So unless there is a huge outcry of NO, Binghuo can host the first one and submit our outline to be reviewed and implemented when approved. I say this to the clan leaders; unless there is something in an outline that will make it impossible for your players to enter, let's be loose and allow each host clan to have their day. Remember, we are here to have fun and these will be friendly games. Now I will mail this to all clan leaders involved and ask for a yes or no, then hopefully we can move forward. Also, does anyone want to have some practice battles this weekend? We can all meet in the GB chat and set up some matches if you want.
Basically, I agree with Modi in #63. Actually, I had a similar idea when I were reading Visao's reply in #35.

From the posts above from different clans/players, we have a lot of different possibilities of the tournament. Why not we give them all a try, since it's our begining, who knows which one is better without a try? We will find our favorite and improve it in pratice.

Here is my suggestion after reading above posts:

1. As Visao suggested in #35:
Admin of this tournament: someone who know about the game, we need about 5 person. Possibly leader of clan or well know person, let say MasterTI or someone like that :) These 5 will be in charge of deciding on rules/system/news or any changes etc.
We need a Admin. Committee for the tournament. But I suggest the members will be the leaders of all clans who involved in the tournament, or the leader's representative. They will make the decision by discuss and voting. So the vioce from every clan will be heard. If clan members (or representatives) of clan #0 LWM - Administration want to join our Committee, they are more than welcomed. :D

2. Each clan will have a chance to host a tournament. If clan A host the tournament, its leader or the leader's representative will be the chairman. He will be in charge this tournament. He sumbit the outline of the tournament to the Admin. Committee for discussion, correcting, and approve in 1 week advance. Then he organize this tournament. The Admin. Committee has the right to correct and even take over the tournament, if there were a big problem and more than 50% committee members agree to.

3. Based on the updated list in #62, we have the following clan (leader) so far:
#279 Dragon Slaughter (binghuo)
#137 German Elitehunters (Kascho)
#153 League of Shadows (limustudotcom)
#227 Steel Dragons (Vonemar)
#181 Elite Warriors (ViSao)
#186 Rivendale (Silk)
#365 Warriors' Guild Wrath (Kotrin)
#102 Dark Alliance (Kusika)
#209 The Shadow of Death (CGSMCMLXXV)
So the above leaders will be our Admin. Committee members, unless there are new clans join us or the leader would like to be replaced by his/her representative.

4. If most of the clans agree with Modi and me, I am more than happy to turn my outline in #39 into pratice as our first tournament, which need about 9 weeks to finish all the battles. But if anyone want to go first with his outline, I am totally ok. :)

5. finally, welcome to input your comment and correction to my suggestion. My brain is open for that. :p
Totally agree with Modi's and binghuo's idea. For now, as clan Recruitier I'm assembling squads for #191 SONIC BLAZE but so far not many responses. Any members reading this, please check your clan mail. Will keep tabs on this thread if it changes, so for now we're in the pending list. Check with clan leader Red_Baron too if there's anything to clear up. =)
So far the following clans wrote me with their votes concerning #63-64

#279 Dragon Slaughter (binghuo) YES
#137 German Elitehunters (Kascho)
#153 League of Shadows (limustudotcom) YES
#227 Steel Dragons (Vonemar) YES
#181 Elite Warriors (ViSao)
#186 Rivendale (Silk) YES
#365 Warriors' Guild Wrath (Kotrin)
#102 Dark Alliance (Kusika)
#209 The Shadow of Death (CGSMCMLXXV) YES
I would like to submit the following idea for a vote. Each clan will nominate 3 judges whose job will be to sanction matches. So far we have nine clans and that makes 27 judges. With this many judges there is sure to be one online at all times. Matches can be held at any time one can be set up. The judge checks the match to see if the rules are followed( enchants, levels...) and then submits it to the record keepers. This way a large number of players can be involved and nobody needs to miss out if they are busy or the time frame does not suit them or their partner. Please weigh in on this topic and add or supply a change to it as it is just an outline to create a system so the games can run 24/7 with the maximum number of players.
I agree with the structure and I have two ideas:

1. to help organizing this tournament (being such a short time), maybe it's good for some committee members to help binghuo now (e.g., ViSao or Kusika to be responsible for level 14, binghuo to be for level 13, LS to be for level 12 and so on). I offer myself to help at level 10 if you need my help;

2. the clan leaders should provide at least with a list of teams as I did, if not some starting requirements. In such way, the organizer know clearer how many teams are and their levels, and they can organize easier.

I have to draw your attention for the following technical problem can occur: if too many players are watching a GB during its evolution, the server will become laggy for the players fighting that GB. I propose for the timer during the combats to not be set at 30 seconds because of the above mentioned problem.
Makkadihm came up with a great idea. How about the clans pool our money and buy a dead clan for our tournaments? We can then sign up all players, list judges, admin and so on and quickly see who is online so we can set up matches. We can register for our own tourney clan but while we are waiting, shall we buy one and try Makkadihm's idea?
I think you need approval for that. Why? Because every time you organize a tournament, players should pay 500 gp (clan entrance fee) which means money involved in the tournament.

I think it isn't such a good idea, because if a clan member respects his/her clan, once set the schedule for GB, the player will be online. So, no really need a clan for watching who entered and who exited the server. Not to speak about afk while entering online or totally lack of organization if we come to the point to check who entered and who exited the server.

I don't agree.
I think you need approval for that. Why? Because every time you organize a tournament, players should pay 500 gp (clan entrance fee) which means money involved in the tournament.

I think it isn't such a good idea, because if a clan member respects his/her clan, once set the schedule for GB, the player will be online. So, no really need a clan for watching who entered and who exited the server. Not to speak about afk while entering online or totally lack of organization if we come to the point to check who entered and who exited the server.

I don't agree.

We arent giving prizes or charging a fee so we need no approval. If we keep it free, admin has no say and why should they if they are not here to help us?
I think it may be harder than you realize to have set times for matches but we shall see.
How is free if you pay a fee to enter? Clan admittance = 500 gp and that you cannot avoid it. The tournaments now are allowed (if they are allowed) only without any piece of gold involved.

I do realize how hard is to organize a tournament. Maybe that's why I posted #68.
You buy a dead clan and charge a fee to enter it so all players in the tournaments are easily found. That has nothing to do with a tournament fee. Admin is going to come poking around to fine us for what exactly? Signing up for a clan? If they had that much time they would take out the cheaters in the game. Let's not get stuck on a debate about admin and a dead clan we may use. You voted against it, no problem. Two votes for, one against. If the idea is bad it will get shot down and vanish.
If the idea is bad it will get shot down and vanish. - agree with that remark.
sorry i'm not a clan leader but would like to offer a suggestion to "spice" things up:

would it be possible to actually offer some form of rewards/prizes? For example, discounted smith repairs, enchantments, etc.

tournaments requiring admin approval are generally based on fulfilling these conditions (from what i understand): (1) there's an entry fee and (2) there are monetary rewards/prizes.

so if the rewards are not monetary, it should be "legal" to offer?
#76: As a clan leader, I tried your idea and I got a very sure answer "NO". Any tournament with reward/fee is not allowed. This is more like "clans at war" than a tournament, so, there is nothing illegal in that. Once you add any fee/prize, you need the approval of the admins which you won't get it for the time being.
So far the following clans wrote me with their votes concerning #63-64

#279 Dragon Slaughter (binghuo) YES
#137 German Elitehunters (Kascho)
#153 League of Shadows (limustudotcom) YES
#227 Steel Dragons (Vonemar) YES
#181 Elite Warriors (ViSao) YES
#186 Rivendale (Silk) YES
#365 Warriors' Guild Wrath (Kotrin)
#102 Dark Alliance (Kusika)
#209 The Shadow of Death (CGSMCMLXXV) YES

OK Bing, let er rip!
for Modi in #70:
I was thinking about a clan for Admin purpose too. We invite the Admin. Committee and also judges to join the clan. It will be easier for communication and also finding a judge online to OK the battles. (the players don't need to join, they can be organized by each clan leaders. ) The clans will pay the invitation fee (2000 gold for 1 committee member and 3 judges), not much gold for a clan.

However, I agree with CGSMCMLXXV at this point, and I will vote a big NO until we get approving from game Admin.
My principle is simple: we need to stop on stop sign, even if there are no police around.
We don't want our fun will be ended by rule breaking, right? :)

If most clan leaders agree on it, we can contact game Admin for an approving. But I don't think we can get a feedback before our 1st tournament, so we can leave the Admin clan idea later. If we get the approving, I do have an inactive clan "#303 The 10th Club" can be used for that purpose, but I need ask the clanmates first for sure.

for Dionysus in #76:
I am not sure about this, but still safe is #1, I would like to drive on the safe side. If the Admin Committe agree that I am in charge of the 1st tournament, I will not promote any kind of prize/reward. We are fighting for fun and our clan, not the prize, right? :D

Let's wait for the answers from our 3K (Kascho, Kotrin, Kusika) :p
Aslo, if I am right, we have 9 clans right now.
It still need about 9 weeks to finish all battles, but there will be 1 clan on vacation each week unless we can find another clan join us.
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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