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AuthorWe desperately need more Admins
Today Arctic returned (for a short while at least).


Coincidence or not?

either way, can only be good news and I hope it is a sign of improvements to come :D
I hope he comments on this thread :) Would be nice to hear what he has to say.
i hope it too..wellcome back,Arctic!!
Arctic is on line :O
Yes he is back :)
Yea I have checked Arctic is listed as "Online but it doesnt appear as they he/she is doing anything.But iF they are here for a while they have thier work cut out for them as we all know there are literally hundreds of cheaters to deal with
for Dalamar2:
74 clans have been approved. Other things will be coming soon to.
I couldn't care less about 74 new clans,clans are a waste of time and money anyway.I want to see a few cheaters dealt with ASAP
for Dalamar2:
Secratary, a name scammer has been blocked right away by Arctic when he first log on and when someone told him personally that he was trying to scam people around. You wanted an example, you have one. Be patient now
Secratary, a name scammer has been blocked right away by Arctic when he first log on and when someone told him personally that he was trying to scam people around. You wanted an example, you have one. Be patient now

yes but he is small potatoes compared to alot that are listed,there are several that I have seen and turned in myself that have tranfered millions into their main account from Multi's
To Dalamar2

the transfers you see from Empires transfer logs is automatic.other that that Admins are gone completely,they are much to Busy giving the Russians everything they want than to be around and do some work here.

if its so easy why dont they accually do something.like elliminating a few cheaters.all the rest of it is done on an Automatic basis

There's just no pleasing some people. You've exactly got what you asked for in other threads and yet you still aren't satisfied.

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closed by Pang (2009-09-25 07:43:06)
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