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AuthorDiscussion: The Rules, Empire, Community, Improperness, Law.
Noone is arguing that the moderators are not friends with each other. But how does that make them less suitable to be moderators? And how does that prove that the process of choosing them was unfair?
I highly doubt him being friends with people affected anyones judgement, he's in the chat room alot however, which is a possible reason in my opinion, someone who is online in chat and talking with people is much more likely to get the position of 'chat moderator' than someone who never/rarely goes in chat and/or hardly talks while they are in chat, as when in chat the moderators are also obliged to answer questions relating to the game that players may pose.
Oh, and if you want to post mine and Zyanya's transfers, this post would probably beat the spam/bump post count :)
I highly doubt him being friends with people affected anyones judgement, he's in the chat room alot however, which is a possible reason in my opinion, someone who is online in chat and talking with people is much more likely to get the position of 'chat moderator' than someone who never/rarely goes in chat and/or hardly talks while they are in chat, as when in chat the moderators are also obliged to answer questions relating to the game that players may pose.

I highly doubt the friendship had nothing to do with the hiring process. Again, DEATHisNEAR is in that room a lot and was passed over. All 4 new hires are friends in some way with higher contacts and two have dirty records. Sorry but I'm not buying that this all was a coincidence.

Oh, and if you want to post mine and Zyanya's transfers, this post would probably beat the spam/bump post count :)

I am just showing the close relationship here. It goes with my argument of cronyism hires.

Why are you guys failing to address the issue of hiring players who were penalized for cheating? It's right there for you to see. No comment?
I highly doubt the friendship had nothing to do with the hiring process. Again, DEATHisNEAR is in that room a lot and was passed over. All 4 new hires are friends in some way with higher contacts and two have dirty records. Sorry but I'm not buying that this all was a coincidence.

There are also people who are regulars in the chat, who post alot, are in one or more of the clans you highlighted and haven't got the post, and as far as any of us know, where was it mentioned that the process of recruiting has finished? If you promote too many new members of staff at once then you won't be able to get an accurate idea of who is good at fulfilling the position and who isn't, as there will be too many answering questions and the likes. Also the people who chat the most, are more likely to get to know the other regulars in there, and become friends with them, although I'm sure that people weren't promoted solely because of their friendship, and I don't see death in chat all that often, and I probably spend more time there than is healthy for me
When anybody hangs out in the Inquiry room for as many hours as Decrous does, of course you get to know the moderators. (Unless you just sit there and stay quiet.)

Considering Decrous is part of the in game family in which many of these players preside, and many in game families give gifts to each other or help each other out by renting their family members TGI's, these can be justified.

Ask anyone who hangs out in the inquiry room for any period of time longer than a couple of hours a day and you will see that Decrous is a truly suitable candidate for being a Moderator and that the above transfers have no sway in him getting the position.

Perhaps it is a bit unfair to make a judgment call when you are not spending enough time in the chat room to hear a lot of what goes on in there. :)
for Dizbe:
for lcorndogl:

You guys are both friends of theirs. Of course you will back them up. Again, why are you not commenting on the hires who have been caught cheating? This shows a little bias from your part to not address it at all. I am not saying Decrous isn't qualified. I am showing a picture of the connections of the mods and the new hires. DEATHisNEAR has been in that room a lot and I have seen him answer questions. He is far more qualified than players who broke the rules.
It is important to mention here that the number of players that applied (and passed the first filtering phase) who were NOT in the clans/groups/whatever you mentioned here was very low, near to about 15% max.
as for the fines, after the fines are issued, then that is considered their punishment for it, just because they've cheated in the past, doesn't mean they cheat now, doesn't mean they don't regret it, and doesn't mean they aren't qualified for the position, it would therefore be unfair to impose further punishment on them in restricting them having access to the position, I see Dan-Panic helping people whenever they ask a question, and asking to people to stop spamming/flooding/disrupting the flow of chat regularly for months before he was given the position, and seen him much more often than I've seen death, infact I don't believe I have seen death answering many questions, but I'll take your word for it that he does, it just seems to me that you're upset that one of your friends didn't get picked, and you're trying to discredit the people who have been chosen to hopefully get them removed and death made staff instead.
Again, why are you not commenting on the hires who have been caught cheating?

As far I'm aware (but I'm not a mod clan recruiter so I can't be 100% sure), admins don't have anything against mod clan heads recruiting people who have a spotted past (within reason, of course). And I'm sure if the admins find the decision unsuitable regarding their past mistakes, they won't still be in the clan. And as Arctic was here throughout the hiring process, I assume he watched over Pang's recruiting.
You guys are both friends of theirs. Of course you will back them up.

And I knew you'd say that :)

Again, why are you not commenting on the hires who have been caught cheating?

Because I feel that people deserve second chances. If the moderators feel that they have changed enough to give them a position as a chat moderator, then surely I can live with that, right?

DEATHisNEAR has been in that room a lot and I have seen him answer questions. He is far more qualified than players who broke the rules.

Yet again I must say to you, come and sit in chat for the 6+ hours a day that many of these new moderators spend in there, and see that it is more than just answering a few questions. It is always going to be hard for someone who doesn't hang around in chat frequently enough to see what goes on there, to understand why these people were hired.
Again, why are you not commenting on the hires who have been caught cheating?

Because I feel that people deserve second chances. If the moderators feel that they have changed enough to give them a position as a chat moderator, then surely I can live with that, right?

This is what happened last time we raised the issue. All the friends in the circle came to the forum to tell us we were wrong. As for second chances, one player cheated twice so he blew his second chance. The other was blocked and he cheated with his new character. You will back these guys at any cost because you are friends of theirs. There is a problem and it needs to be addressed. Sorry if you disagree. The game is for all players, not just a select group of friends who reward each other.
[Post deleted by moderator Zyanya // Bah reposting]
for Modi:

Did you miss the point I said about Arctic watching over the recruiting? I don't see if there was favoritism being played out, he will turn a blind eye to it :/

Arctic was very busy but he knows about my accusations. We shall see what comes of it. I won't speak for him.
Did you miss the point I said about Arctic watching over the recruiting? I don't see how if there was favoritism being played out by the chat mods, he won't notice and turn a blind eye to it. :/ However, if your concern about repeated offenders being allowed by admins to apply for mod posts, that's a separate issue and is independent of the fact that so and so were friends.
Did you miss the point I said about Arctic watching over the recruiting? I don't see how if there was favoritism being played out by the chat mods, he won't notice and turn a blind eye to it. :/ However, if your concern about repeated offenders being allowed by admins to apply for mod posts, that's a separate issue and is independent of the fact that so and so were friends.

I disagree. Those who cheated were glossed over because they are friends of the mods, ruining the credible argument for claims of a impartial system. It is the same story with the mods and the circle of friends coming to defend their actions. Last time Arctic wasn't here and our plea went no place. This time he will see my argument in full and can make a call based on the evidence I have provided, not opinions of friends who are accused.
I acknowledge the importance of this case, I agree with certain points of both sides of the opposing groups that have formed for this period.

As soon as I'm done with the current work, I will analyze this issue properly and perform changes which I find necessary.
for lcorndogl:
as for the fines, after the fines are issued, then that is considered their punishment for it, just because they've cheated in the past, doesn't mean they cheat now, doesn't mean they don't regret it, and doesn't mean they aren't qualified for the position, it would therefore be unfair to impose further punishment on them in restricting them having access to the position, I see Dan-Panic helping people whenever they ask a question, and asking to people to stop spamming/flooding/disrupting the flow of chat regularly for months before he was given the position, and seen him much more often than I've seen death, infact I don't believe I have seen death answering many questions, but I'll take your word for it that he does, it just seems to me that you're upset that one of your friends didn't get picked, and you're trying to discredit the people who have been chosen to hopefully get them removed and death made staff instead.

You are one of Dan's good friends, no? You may believe what you are posting here but who can tell because of your friendship? We need outside opinion here from both parties. Now I will tell you that this has nothing to do with Death but everything to do with cronyism. First, I have raised this issue in the past as I posted proof of that. Second, I am one of the most active players on this server and that can't be denied. I have put my game basically on hold to help Arctic clean up the cheaters. I am not getting paid for that and I have put many long hours in picking through every transfer of accused cheaters. I did not complain when the last set of forum mods were chosen. In fact I congratulated them.I do not care for one of those players but he is qualified and I have no reason to oppose him. This new set is another story. I do not believe players caught cheating should be given a position as a mod. It sets a bad example. If it was a non-issue to me, I wouldn't be spending my days helping Arctic. This whole issue was raised by me to Arcic on Skype and Death signed on well after we had gotten into it and disclosed he was passed over for the job and also he wasn't even told why. Don't believe me? Ask Arctic. So your accusation of me trying to discredit your friends for mine falls flat when it has been established that I am against cheaters by my volunteer work, and I have raised the issue of cronyism in the past. Those are facts, not opinion.
Well, personally I don't have a problem with the Mods being a group of friends.

I do however object to Mods being appointed that have a history of cheating.

This server has suffered under hordes of cheaters with essentially free reign over many months. While this is in the process of being rectified by Arctic and his assistants, I don't think the game Administrators can afford to trivialise cheating on any level by allowing someone with a history of game rule infractions to be appointed to a position of authority in the game.

Frankly it would be a spit in the eye for those that have played a clean game over the many months when the game admins have been mostly inactive. All the while the hordes of cheaters have been laughing at those following the rules. Many have grown so bold as to question the penalties they have been assigned during that period, simply because they though the lack of Admins would allow them to drum up support to their cause. It would seem wrong to appoint someone with a chequered past when there are players with a clean record available.

I don't have any comment as to whether DEATHisNEAR should be appointed as a Mod, but I do think that anyone appointed to such a prestigious position shouldn't have any game rule offences or other questionable activities in their past. A Mod, or any other position that commands respect, should be able to set an example. Someone who has been "convicted" of game rule infractions, would seem to be acting in a hypocritical fashion applying penalties to others that break the rules.

Would you want your country's Treasurer to be appointed if he was a convicted fraudster or had been declared bankrupt in the past? I know I wouldn't. How about your Police? Should ex-criminals be allowed to become policemen? Maybe, but I would rather see someone chosen that has a clean legal slate if that is at all possible.

If there wasn't anyone else available, I could live with a Mod that had a trivial history of cheating. If there is anyone else available, please go with the candidate with a clean slate. We don't want to send the wrong message about whether it is appropriate to cheat. Do we?

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