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Authorbarb faction topic
I suggest

Orcs - Hobs - Ogres -wolf
Level 8, my 1st thought was Wolf Raiders, YES!!! In practice, they aren't that great.

The Hobs may be better. One recruiting configuration is 104 hobs, 1 wolf raider, 37 orcs, 14 ogres, 6 rocs. A wolf heavy config is 3 hobs, 50 wolves, 36 orcs, 10 ogres and 6 rocs.

When attacking 104 hobs will do 312 damage (I've assume battle fury but nothing else). 50 wolves (factoring in +15% damage due to 3 higher attack*) will do 201 damage 3 times. The overall damage is better, but they may not do 201 for the next 2 attacks as some may have been killed before you get to do your next 2 attacks. The hobs also do better retal damage as you don't triple strike on retal.

Also, in ambushes wolves are highly restricted in where they can be positioned due to being large. I also haven't factored in the 4 more ogres and 1 more orc. Comments?

I know my assumptinos aren't perfect, but they are close enough to get across my point I think.
i'm not lvl 8 yet but wolfs can be good i think if u get the first hit..... i think there mainly for a first strike then there job is done, but see how u go with them and if u don't like it change the configuration
Hi, I just switched to barb at level 4, i'm almost at level 5.

Anyway way it a good recruit for barb level4 and 5?

Just max ogre orc and wolf?
Level 4: max orcs max woves then max goblins in that order.
Level 5: get hobgoblins as fast as you can they rule. the its max ogres max orcs max hobs then max wolves in that order.
also for level 5 just look at my setup its the same.
Thanks! Any tips on how to bear certain factions at level 4?
as far as i remember on lev4 you just rule - protect orcs and shoot the crap out of enemy. problems will start to appear at level 5 :)
anyone has some good tactics for ambushing at lvl 7??:)
In that last fight, if you were wearing a cape of winds you would have won. Also, against large creatures, such as Hydras, use the corner. Often at level 7 you will be left with ogres and nothing else. Put yourself in a corner where only 1 large enemy can attack you, and you would have won that last battle also.

When fighting poisoners, remember, you want them to shoot as they do half damage when shooting. In ambushes you have so many enemy units, that your retal is used up early anyway.
i don't think it really matters about whether you have hobs or wolves... until you are able to recruit raiders.

I'm 2000xp points off level 7, and i have never had any hobs.
my strategy is to use the orcs to their max. and ogres.

Make sure you kill all the enemies 1 unit stacks first = +1 atk for orcs, per diminished stack.

Make sure you have a few 1 unit stacks yourself... = +1 atk for ogres, per stack of yours that gets killed.

at one point in a group battle my orcs were +14 attack... ORCS are the barbs best weapon in all the levels i have experienced so far.
I absolutely dont agree with Barbarian-Fishy!
Ok its true Raiders cant take much punishment but that does count for Hobs as well. How many Hobs stand if you got a heavy retail hit?
My Raiders have no problem dealing 2k damage with one action, dont think i ll reach that with Hobs.
And even that they are large isnt such a great drawback for me. You just need to think a bit more on the moves.
Only thing i dont like at Raiders is that they are first target even in all hunts or quests, but when i look at the damage they do its understandable.
Nevertheless hunts got extreme easy since lvl 8 with them.

Dont get me wrong, i really like people who play different style than standard so keep going if it suits you! Might even try your troop settings sometime^^
The damage of the wolfs is truly terrifying, but they can't use it that much. Often the stack just doesn't have the huge amount of hit points, so the hobs would kill the stack anyway.

If it's a stack that their damage output really comes in to play, they'll hit once for less damage than the hobs will do, get retal (and as there are more survivors get more retal on them) and then finish the job.

I've also had the problem of not being able to get them where they want because some small group of Sprites, Infected Zombies, whatever, is between me and the mega stack I want to kill. Necros with their archers are the perfect example. My hobs can run to them and hit the archers after I've made a hole (I'll often move apart 4 or so orcs to achieve that hole), the wolves are stopped. The option of making a two square hole is not available as wolves tend to go before orcs.
I understand your point but still cant follow it.
Especially in hunts there are a lot of stacks that needed that much damage (and even stand after that). Talking of hunts i allways avoid to get retail with wolfs which shouldnt be a surprising tactic after lvl 1. So the more damage the better for me^^
Perhaps this is different when fighting human enemies but cant say i had that much problems anyway from 1-8 ^^
Besides the damage it isnt that bad to have more speed and more ini. And raiders and orcs have same ini btw. Dont know why it should be a advantage to be slow.
Again i wouldnt see skeletal archers as perfect example because i dont see them as primary target for Raiders. Better fly in Ogres with rocs for that matter. But that too is a matter of playstyle and i totally understand your point. I m glad you are succesfull with your setting as it only shows Barbarians are great anyway ;-)
Best match i've had in a long time
only win by 1 ogre
FYI, Barbarian-Fishy is talking about thieving

i had that problem too when thieving. i changed between hob and wolf at lv 7 but still hasn't done that now at lv 8. maybe i should try using hob for a while
Oh, if hes really talking only about thiefing delete all i wrote. Dont have experience with that till now. Get a TGI perhaps tomorrow^^
My fault.
early thieving is good for barbarians?
early thieving is good for barbarians?

Yep. And with the new .ru changes that can come here you might want to hurry it up with thieving anyway.
I wonder when the steppe barbarians will get here?
what are exactly new .ru changes? is thieveing to become even more impossible on higher levels?
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