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AuthorLets talk about talents
so, with necromancy + reserve skel, you still looking on offense talent battle fury? so you can mass skel to deal gay dmg?

Necromancy is the atgument that comes up when everything else fails, but how many might necs use raising?

And it's not about a specific talent, that I want to have or not. This example was only made to explain, that puting 27 points in erudition to get 6 points of attack, is not that good a deal. And still it is done by most, cause we have no real talents to support a might build.

Necro has better troops than wizards do on a one for one basis with a tier by teir comparison, except for the genies versus liches slot.

OK skeletonsbows are better than master gremlins? If you compare the stats the gremlins are better, but nec has much more of them, then wizard can get, but thats our faction skill.

Enchanted gargoyles vs infected zombies well I think the scales tip definitly your way here.

Golems vs Ghosts we might have the advantage here.

Vampires vs Magis both very good units, with very diffrent tasks, hard to tell.

But anyway this comparision was made without consideration of miniarts, everybody knows that wizards troops are supposedly the worst in this game, because they get mini-arts and in PVM the great spelldmg boost.

This discussion was about talents and if almost all high lvl necs play might, then there is something wrong with the necs talents, because these give no indication in that direction.
Cough-Orc Chieftain
Cough-Grandmaster Elven Bowmen

Cough-Low HP, killing you liches and their mission is over
Cough-2-8 dmg????? not much better than skele in numbers... plus lich>monks
Cough-Orc Chief, only ranged unit, you can't compare it this way. 200 skeles are scary. Give them vitality, orcs are doomed
Cough-You seriously think that crappy fireball can do much harm? They don't have dominion of fire.... There are cheap talents that grants awesome a lot of magic shield.....
Cough-GM yeah, how much HP do they have? in gb they sometimes get killed before they even can shoot...
Cough-kill it before it comes. simple.

My turn to cough. *cough**cough*
Cough-Vampire counts, strong in hunt and duel.
Cough-Lices, like the best shooter except misstresses, but then, wait until the Archer Lich at diamond level 14, they even become a caster
Cough-undead, only 20% HP penalty for each raise 0.0
Cough-200 skeles??? ARE YOU KIDDING ME?? It's serious damage.....

Go ahead, cough more
You can't denie how strong your troops are. Watch this.


What is supposed to be for at least lv 12+s, this level 14 necro took on the dwarves almost alone........

Lich Archers gets Darkness spells, imagine that... Stuffs like Senior Genies will just become another decoration
Ok Ok, Lets face it
200 skeletons bowmen dealing 1 - 2 dmg isnt much, give it a break
How many might necro have seen skellys bowmen deal over 1000 dmg, at level 9 so far Ive seen mine deal 2 times over 1000. And Ive seen others troops deal way more. 200 Skelly bows is our faction special ability, like the 64 guardians knight can have with Training Chambers or the 99 Xbows dealing over 3000 dmg with luck and almost always over 1000 dmg each shot. About liches, sometimes in group battle you cant shoot cause of area dmg, its good and bad, so stop with it. Shrews (17 init, 16 hp, 8 speed, 4-6 dmg, hit and run, no retaliation) come on give me a break, the only unit with higher hp in tier 2 its the Zombies and comparing stats would be ... Not so awesome

Myself and MasterTi made a test. 15 Shrews vs 15 Vamps (Tier 2 vs Tier 4) the result, with same Attack, Defense. Ive won the fight with 5 vamps, cause I can regen them, he killed 16 vamps total, cant you see something wrong here, so give me a break with shrews (Low HP).

I wont state all the others but in fast action (Cerberi 8 speed - no retal - 3 head attack) (Orc Chieftain - Bloodlust is scary) (Lorekeepers fireball - try to protect bows now) (GrandMaster Bowmen - Knocking shot, 2 shots awesome). Aint saying our troops are worse, but dont come in with <All your troops are better> Its aint true. We made the comparision, and we got it right.

Try it just for fun. Take same number of creautres in each stacks and try it. I was totally scare to see 15 shrews devastating my vampires.

But the topic was around talent, we need another path for might necro.
(shrews are tier 2+1=3)
you cant compare shrews vs vampire, but you have to compare the de army with necro army. Sure ,shrews are great, they can kill your liches in 1 hit, but they don't have good ranged units. Kill them with skele bowmen and reraise liches.. leave mino and liz to apparition, they wil do the job. and vampire the hydras, so simple it is.
You still just proven my point
even if shrews are tier 3...15 wouldnt be a match for 15 vampires tier 4
but in fact it is. Cause a DE can have 40 of them vs 15 for vampires.

Why cant you see that.
Take other tier 2+1 troops and see for yourself. Shrews are the best Upgrade and better then most tier 3 and some tier 4.

But again, this is not the point of this topic. Talent wheel need another path for Might Necro
Kill them with skele bowmen and reraise liches.. leave mino and liz to apparition, they wil do the job. and vampire the hydras, so simple it is.

Have you fought a DE 1 vs 1 as a necro?????????????????
For those who want to compare shrews and vamps, it is really better to compare the armies, not creatures. Check this duel out..https://www.lordswm.com/warlog.php?warid=477214723 , even his crazy morale didn't help. I had pretty same battle with lvl 9 DE...same result!
Every Fraction has its strenghth and weaknesses...
Human, Barbarian and Elves are no Match for Necros, but Darkelves and deamons are nearly unbeatable...
that is the balance of the game...

But back to the topic:
I think it is the race. Necromancers and Wizzards are traditionell Magic users. Just imagine a Mage going Berserk... :)
But well, if you still try to deal enough dammage with Chaosmagic to win the match... well: sorry!

The more troops you have, the more darkness and holy Magic is important.
Necromancers have the advantage to have time... lots of time...
Use your Darknessmagic to bring your enemies down to your stats and below and you will see that he is no match. Time is your friend and your opponents worst enemy! Darknessmagic is your Offence and Defence-skill combined - just timeconsuming...

But why not:
I agree that there should be more freedom, how to fight. Necros have the great luck with the Defensive skill and Luck-rings. Mages... well... er...

I think it is not the "price" for talents that sucks, it is the combination.
Naturemagic has only 4spells (were are the others that made that Branch so interesting - f.ex. firemines)... untill such spells are re-invented Nature magic and with it a whole branch of magic is useless (except raise and untill s.phantom)
Thats my reason why Naturemagic-based races suck, compared with other...
If you like Shrews so much and think DE is the best why not changing faction? DE doesn't require much racial and at your level still not too much gold.
Cause I told you, Im playing necro for the challenge of it, I would want more options. Thats all. But people came in and said things about better troops and all that stuff and the topic went out. Trainwrecked.

Back on Topic, I would want more option available for all faction.

All faction should have the possiblity to go Might or Magic. (Even Barbarians with Warcies)
I would like a defense section for wizards as well as that talent dark elves get that double the damage of the spell for double the cost. Now that would be awesome for wizards! Also, instead of a luck wheel I would like a spell luck wheel where wizards get a chance to crit on their spells. That just might be more awesome than the dark elf talent. ;) That way instead of feeling envious of the elves with their luck/favoured enemies or the crossbowmen luck/aimed shot, wizards can show off their spell crits.
Criting on spells in hunt will result in 100000 titans being slain lol..

But if necros get might options we wizards need at least one might section too!!! Might will come more handy later on, and not being able to use might is a great disadvantage.
Well, the might section for wizards is the holy magic section. Put around 3 knowledge point with around 2 spell power and the rest in attack. Then we can have fearsome units with the right triple mini arts and mass chastise or bless or rapid. Of course this will only be a pvp build. Also, we would have to wait til lvl 11 for us to have enough talent points for it to work well.

But wouldn't the spell crit be fun?
Luck falls on eektor.
eektor does 2,000 damage with lightning. :)
for Dan and others who think they got crappier troops than other factions:


triple necro ultra PWNAGE
Okay let me talk about main talent.

Spirit Link-Good
Escort-Great.But somehow hard to cast support magic.
Elemantal Call-Suck
Hell Fire-Kinda useless since hero already got magic arrow
Rain of arrow-Good at killing baits
Magical Mirror-Effective against elf and other wizard when goes to lv 7 and above only.But quite good at lv 5 and 6.
lol, only someone who never played as elf can call RoA good =)

RoA and Hellfire are 2 useless central talents imo. Rest - depends on playstyle and level.
77: but RoA still more usefull than hellfire...
and for magic DE, elemental call is their main weapon
they deals damage more than a wiz
ex: lvl 10 DE with 3chaos magic and elemental call, full arted, he will cast about 300-400dmg fireball with ele call
Magical mirror is rarely useful. Only time I would consider using it is when I'm fighting magis or lorekeepers in hunts. In pvp only if I know my opponent and s/he is focusing on magic. Otherwise it is completely useless. Not too mention it only activates 20% of the time which is one in five times and at least for me it seems to activate when it doesn't make much of a difference. For me personally it adds to much luck into the battle and I much rather spend my talent points on talents that would work all the time.

If Elemental Call is the talent that doubles the spell damage for double the mp cost, I would love to have that. It would be very useful when hunting against fast units that kill me before my mana runs out. Also, most dark elves that focuses on magic seem to always have this talent, so I wouldn't say the talent sucks.
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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