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AuthorSurvival Tournament details and related questions
And what is the objective, survive as long as possible or kill as many as possible?
survive as long as possible
but that's kinda tied to kill as many as possible =)
When you start you will see that it is in fact the same thing :)
Oh, I was just curious, because there is a slight difference between ability to run for as many turns as you can and killing as many bad guys as you can. Of course this difference goes away with 3 stacks of hydras for example from 3 directions.
Lets just surprise me.:-)
you won't encounter 3 same stacks of monsters in a single wave. they are usually 2x2 :}
"Survive as long as possible" in this tournament has nothing to do with time (turns), i t is how far you are from the next wave of swarm. An that relies solely on how much damage you dealt to the current one.
how far you are from the next wave of swarm.

Will the points be calculated by the exact number of creatures killed or the number of waves that you have survived and killed?
The reply to your question is just one post above:

...relies solely on how much damage you dealt to the current one.
Whats the rewards for 1st,2nd and 3rd place in all faction? (i mean detail gold)
for FasterThanWind:
Depends on the prize fund i.e. how many players would participate =) All current numbers are in the tournament page.
Will be players with diamond early upgrades allowed to use that types of creatures? I mean, if lvl 7 has shrews already, will he have shrews or rogues for the tournament?
for jrf:
[Post deleted by moderator Arctic // ]
Diamond upgrades are available for use in the tournament.
what would happen if i level up?

will i drop out before 7 attempts.
will the endless waves be the same monsters every fight?
for deadlyking:
The system will not allow you to level up while you are in a tournament as long as you o no other fights. You will continue accumulating experience, but the level-up will occur only once you enter a non-tournament battle (even a hunt assistance with 0 exp points will level you).

If you do participate in a combat off arena with enough experience points, you will level up and your participation at that level will end. Your High score will still apply, and should it be high enough, will be rewarded. Meanwhile you will be able to participate at your new level, too (you will have 7 attempts aain regardless of how many you have used up before levelling).
for Render:
Yes. They are same each time for every character of equal combat level. Thus all level 7 characters will have the same waves as you, on each of their 7 attempts.
It is impossible to review combats until the tournament is over, but it is perfectly okay to share the waves structure in this forum and make a collective discussion on how to beat them. Just one thing to remember:

3) For each official combat tournament, players may create up to three general topics for different aspects of discussion, one topic for each level and one topic for each faction, depending on the needs of discussion. (q) Local rules
So Arctic does this mean we get to play the tournament 7 times for each level and faction? For example I play the tournament 7 times at my current level and faction. Then I switch to dark elf. Can I play 7 times again? And after that I level up and switch back to knight, then I get to play another 7 times?
[Post deleted by moderator Arctic // ]
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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