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AuthorNecromancers faction topic
for Dan-Panic:
How should I setup against an elf, if the battle is same AP ?
This is the problem. There is no balance in the battle with same AP. Only battles where opponents have full art set are balanced. Without full art set necromancer is weaker than most of other factions.

They have druids with lit for our ghost.
Forget about ghosts since 8th level. Only zombies. Take 6-8 ghosts and divide them on 3+3 or 4+4 and use them as support stacks (taking retaliation, blocking paths, etc.). Elf will use stoneskin instead of lightning. And even if he will use his lightning on this support stacks then it is not very significant to you since it is not a main stack.

for Ranor:
Since you are lvl 8 as well you could go for a poisoners build.
If we talk about duels than from my experience I can say that poisoner can defeat stupid elf, but clever elf won't give you a chance.

mass poison with 72dmg per turn (14sp needed) the elf should have no chance at all.
You forgot about unicorns. Clever elf will keep his elite forest keepers near unicorns, so that they get 30% magic resistance.
And of course clever elf will not settle his troops so that mass poison could get two or more main stacks.

The best against elves is 7th faction level and vitality talent with maximum attack and maximum skelbows.
By the way, the 8ht combat level is balanced assuming that heroes have 7th faction level. For necro it is _very_ important.
Thats what I thought,

So without full mage arts or level 7 necro skill (Ive been killed by a level 9 elf, with elf skill level 1) I have no chance in minimum AP vs an elf, talk about balance !
I have no chance in minimum AP vs an elf
Definitely. Especially against higher level player (more troops, talents, maybe early upgrade).

So without full mage arts
Even with full mage art set _clever_ elf will defeat you.

P.S. Of course there is a chance that you will meet a totally dumb player and random will be lucky to you, but this chance is very small ;)
i wonder why all the other faction players seem 2 think that necros are weak
can somebody please tell me
i wonder why all the other faction players seem 2 think that necros are weak
Because they are used to no-art battles, maybe? There's no balance in those...

Losing against an elf level 9 with only elf skill 1 is normal for a Necro level 8 with necro skill 6 ? in your opinion ?
Losing against an elf level 9 with only elf skill 1 is normal for a Necro level 8 with necro skill 6 ?
Of course. Elves aren't such dependent on faction skill as necros.
higher level player (more troops, talents, maybe early upgrade)

Any idea how to kill Van of wiz level 2 with necros ??
Dude you are level 3, what do you expect?
grow to level 5, then try again
I even can kill van of wiz level 8 without arts with Knights at level 4, then I am trying Necros . now ... very easy if u have strikers Like rogues, fast, can return back .. high init and damages ... But with necros .. I am new with Necros ... honestly ..

Best regards,


Any idea how to kill Van of wiz level 2 with necros ??

should have place some ghosts on the top to assault the top grems

and necro is diff than knight
you dont have shooter at lv 3
I would like to inquire , what is the use of the 40 mana for combat necromancers ? An example would be Maia , he has 4 knowledge , no spellpower and all his stats in attack with Expert Erudition . Sometimes , he uses basic nature magic as well , sometimes basic darkness magic .

Can someone plz tell me why combat necros even need the 4 knowlege ?
- With Expert Erudition and Basic Nature Magic
- With Expert Erudition and Basic Darkness Magic
Can someone plz tell me why , with the question above ^^^ . I know I'm still far away from lvl 10 , but I just want to know .
A guess... To cast phantom on his skels so he can do his merc quests much more efficiently.
maybe to revive his troops, no? i mean, even with combat necro, your unit still die time to time, right? and raise dead need a lot of mana, so maybe that's why? lol, i'm just guessing here..im a demon ;p
wasp swarm
raise dead
Hi necro friends,I've got a doubt.
if I change my faction to any non necromancer and then I change back to necromancer, do I lose all my previous skeletons-skulls?
Thx friends
if I change my faction to any non necromancer and then I change back to necromancer, do I lose all my previous skeletons-skulls?

uuwwhh idk i think you will keep them
U mean reserve ske?
no, u'll keep them or u may sell them in the market....
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