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AuthorDark Elf - please read
Their first streng isn't destruction spells?
NO :) Because their forces are attacking - no defence. No hp. So DE can't cast destructive spells normally - he gets killed on levels 8+ for few turns.
Even if you take minos + hydras in first priority, this won't help...
And if we have such a hard fate as DE...why not harm the opponent more with rogues and lizards, than just stand staring at the opponent who continues to make stuffing of you.))
I've just got from lvl 3 to lvl 4 with demon... What did I get? I can choose betwen 1 more doggie or 1 imp and 2 demons...

So lvl 4 is another lvl 3 for demons...
Is really the dark elf the weekest?
Then why are only 6%of people playing demons?
Demons are the second weakest :)
)) No, no.
The most weakest are poor elves. But luck and avenger`s guild rescues them...but not everytime. ;)
Then come demons. But 8-th level solves the problem with rapid horses.)))
Excuse me, the weakest.

But I think, we shouldn`t talk about the weakest one or the disadvantages of demons. Because this topic explains problems of DE. It isn`t a primitive moaning, but a fact, that DE aren`t lively persons, who could make a competition concerning other factions...
Ok, and how will I reach lvl5? :(
Demon`s aren`t the weakest in good hands.)

I just had a fight vs a dark elf. the range of the rouge is bigger than my dog. with 14 rouge he killed 8 of my 14 dogs... the fight was over as it begun.
70: can you post that battle cause both your dogs and rogues have 7 speed which means equal range, and rouges only have +1 ini so I am not sure what you are talking about the range being bigger
Demons are terrible against Dark Elves in levels 1 - 4. I wouldn't bother fighting them in a duel if I were you. However, as kk2583 stated, they both 7 speed...
Anyway, from what I've seem Dark Elves are fairly good, but the faction skill is useless. It should at least be increased so that they practically ignore magic defence, as it takes a long time to get your faction skill up high. They have some very good troops though, even if in low numbers.
dark elves are pretty scary once in level 5 because they get lizzard cavalry AND the magic arrow spell. with the right spell power can do 2 or 3 times as much as magic punch and only costs 4 mana! so in 1-4 i admit they have trouble surviving but in level 5 and up their pretty damn scary

this fight...
obviusly i misscalculated... the distance was 6 sq left and 2 up... i tought i was still out of range...
DE's would be fine if their faction skill was changed or something was added to it AND if we got more troops.

Sure we have 1 fast unit, but they're dead before their second turn comes up for them to even be in range of hitting bowmen and what not (not counting having to get through farmers/druids..etc.). So if we had more units so we can take a hit and still do dmg when we reach the other side we'd be better off.

That or increase the init for the rest of our units slightly.
75: I think the DE's troops are fine as they are. But the faction skill needs to be changed/added as it is nearly useless now most of the time.
At lower levels, Dark Elves are suckish, but once you get higher, DEs are better, especially with arts. Get an ammy of luck (http://www.heroeswm.com/warlog.php?lt=-1&warid=1716582) and if your rogues are still alive, DEs are good. I do agree that DEs need more troops. Right now, I have 25 troops, and Barbs and Demons have bout 40 or some.

Also, just wondering, why do a lot of people go after my 1 bandit?
Also, I'm a DE and I win 75% of the time
for DuskCarnivore:

I was laughing when u said the elves are the weakest xD they are the 2nd strongest faction.
lol.. maybe depand what kind a battle but in duel 1vs1 elf is weak.

yeah elf can win in duel 1vs1 but elf IF got luck or critical hit in the right stack and in the right time, but so difficult to got right stack and right time. mostly wrong time or in dummy stack.. lol..
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