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AuthorFlooders Tenthouse
I lost 1 too, after 9 win streak.
Knight is too Op, I swear.)) Secretly Op, maybe.

Oh my god! What a cool battle :P
Haven't seen such strong bears :P
for Ipsen:
Try for silver medal now :)
0% chance
shouldn't have joined so early :(
-1 maybe
I also lost 1.. presents can be dangerous :)

Though its fun to play, also fsp is better than regular CGs.
Bear monster level 99
9/12 :(
Missed medal by 1 win :(
Missed medal by 1 win :(

i have never got gold in a mixed tourney
that was all that mattered :'(
darn that necromancer :P
Ipsen got silver with 11/12 guys, congratulations! :D
i hate level 22 tribals
bloody tanks
i had fsl 7 as dwarf just a couple of weeks ago
now i am racing towards 9
knight would have been fsl 12 if i played with it :(
The effects of potion of skill have been updated while I was away
can someone send the link?
nice way of earning CG points :-
for Niranjan:
active fsl -1 of any person of your or lower level OR average FSL at your level, whichever is higher. Can't find the link, sorry
threw 20k more into roul
enticing thing it is, just like temptresses
then ruin yer life
then ruin yer life

just like temptresses


I honestly fully sympathise with the roulette habit, unlike me, you guys are only throwing electronic gold at it :P
unlike me, you guys are only throwing electronic gold at it :P

Should clarify... I threw real money into a gambling system of a different game. :(
average FSL at your level
I don't remember this part
& also it didn't work on non pvp battles except WG

there have been some changes, right? or am I just getting forgetful
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