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AuthorBuilding a house for lordswm!
All bricks - 2396

Rate: 2235
*bricks up the window* havent added a brick for weeks!
* For those who have no idea what we're talking about:

We're building a house for LordsWM. To help us you just need to follow this link


And that's it. You don't need to do anything else. Every click from one IP adress gives us one brick :) (you can check the link from one IP once every 12 hours, other clicks don't count)

The more clicks we get, the better our house is, and the closer it is to center of map.

Why are we doing it?
Part of visitors of internet map sees our house, so it's an advertisement of sorts. And a small way to thank the Administration :)
Why is the building looked so ordinary?

How can we build something different like the neighbor (it has helicopter and plane) ?

If we can build something like Arena of Gladiators.. cool =)
We can have custom building after we accamulate 5000 clicks... and after someone familiar with pixelArt draws it.
We can have custom building after we accamulate 5000 clicks...

wow only 2.5K+ more bricks =.=
well now minus that by one

All clicks - 2435

Rate: 2265
New face here ^^
Me? And there I was thinking that I posted several times on this thread already. ^-^
Just couldn't bear to see this thread buried under all that, um ... rubble.
Didn't visit a long time then :P
+ Brick :)
+ 100 Brick to window
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2008-2025, online games LordsWM