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AuthorFlooders Tenthouse
Change channel pls..
which channel would you like to tune into?
did they make the ABC mount antithief too?
nice nice

Look at fsp and lvl...
Yup, happen when you buy loads and loads of chests
Lol, what :/
Oh my god!

2017-12-21 15:37:50: Dilon kill [1] has discovered Dwarf craftsman footguards [100/100]

2017-12-24 16:09:02: Dilon kill [3] has discovered Militant shield [100/100]

2017-12-24 15:53:23: Dilon kill [3] has discovered Elven scout boots [100/100]

Wow again!
Knight: 9 (5537.29) +0.1
at lv3 haha
Merry Christmas guys :)
He has half my total FSP, at Lv3 :/
His Char must be 10000% Pumped? :P

Merry Christmas Wonderland.
4/5 vaults I got potions..

I could buy these potions for 200-400 gold in market.. no idea in which point of view admin considers 200 gold as present...
admin: some people cries for getting candies as present last year, now we have successfully solved this problem.
Merry Christmas!!
Aahh, 200 MG Quests for MG 6 ...
Much effort for a +1 Stat.
When I win 3 TG Ambushes in a row (Which rarely happens) I get turned on.
So glad I gave up necro TG
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