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AuthorFlooders Tenthouse
But In case of paladin and champions you would shoot the horsie :p

Well, threw 10k into Roulette.
I deserve for greed, I guess.
Rouletting while being in a debt- there's something really pathetic about it.
During new year we get 20% fsp bonus in all combats, from ABC we get additional 10%.
I have success elixir too, which will give other 20%, and if I wear maniscript of history, then again another 20%.

I wonder how much fsp will get in 1 hunt then with all those :O
Rouletting while being in a debt- there's something really pathetic about it.

A man in love (with debt and roulette) does stupid things. :)
Well, threw 10k into Roulette.
I deserve for greed, I guess.

What I learnt from my past roulette experience is that you can't win everyspin, so play only if you have for atleast minimum 10 spins.
Or much much better idea, never play it.
Rouletting while being in a debt- there's something really pathetic about it.

I was wondering how you knew this, checked his log. (hug emoji)
for Meshy:
Man the amount is really small and a friend like Ipsen is worth way more than that without a doubt :)

But i was expressing what i felt, to him and all the debtors indirectly, and I honestly think being able to talk frankly and without holding back is a sign of good friendship :)
Rouletting while being in a debt- there's something really pathetic about it.
Yes, I thought about it right after. :S
A true shame it is, which is not happening ever again, for sure!
Btw 5708# Beautiful Post.
a friend like Ipsen is worth a lot XD
Wow price of moonstone and meteorite shards are same now :O
Apparently there has been a Team Blindfold Tourney, and I didnt see.
Sad, UN would be good there maybe.
Sad, UN would be good there maybe.

do you think that about every tournament?
Team BF tourney = Heaven for tribals
I imagine it's pretty good for shadow and fury barb? The factions with spirit basically
I imagine it's pretty good for shadow and fury barb? The factions with spirit basically

Why exactly?
just noticed that ogre shaman get enrage ability again, before long it is strong but now invincible :)
they are quite weak without early game/without enrage.
edit: they are quite weak early game/without enrage.
just noticed that ogre shaman get enrage ability again,
What? They gave Enrage to them?
I thought Ogre Shamans didnt have it.
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