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AuthorMay 21, 2011-End Of The World?
Aw Modi! I can't even hear the "American trying to do an Aussie Accent".

Your other stuff was much better.

I love that you still can't come up with anything to explain how badly you were stooged by that video.

And you've got it all wrong. Haven't you seen Monty Python? The University of Woolloomooloo sketch?

That should be "Crikey Bruce!" "Yeah Bruce". C'mon that's classic stuff every comedian should know.

Oh right. Modi's... not... really... a... Comedian!



Oh this is just too good.

" Crikey mate, look how quickly Modi is posting in the forum. Maybe he isn't as stupid as we thought?"

"Na mate, believe me he is a real moron, all Yanks are, ya know it?"

"Crikey mate, you're right again! Sure am glad to have a pal like you and not some stupid gremlin like Modi."

"Thanks mate, we're the best ain't we?"

"You said it mate!"

"Crikey mate, let's not forget he is a crafty Jew and a Zionist to boot. We can't let out guard down."

"OK mate, lets split our forces against him then. I'll handle checking and rechecking his profile 100 times a day and you look at his clan stuff."

"That's a good idea mate, two heads are better than one, right? No Jew is gonna best us Aussies."

"Right mate, no worries."
No, it's not working.

I can imagine the terrible Aussie accent that you are trying to use.

I don't think I've met anyone from the US that can do a decent Aussie accent.

At least some people from the UK have half an idea of how to do it.

Here's a good example - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_f_p0CgPeyA

You know the best thing about that link? I've got a video of it myself, so I know it's from the genuine article. But I guess Modi doesn't have to worry about minor concerns like that.

Do you like my profile?

I can imagine the terrible Aussie accent that you are trying to use.

I don't think I've met anyone from the US that can do a decent Aussie accent.

At least some people from the UK have half an idea of how to do it.

Oh you think not? Lets get on Skype and invite some blokes here to listen in.

You game? I need about 5 minutes of your constant blabber to have your voice down pat.

We played with an Aussie in Tr@vian and I imitated him so well, they got confused. Now maybe to an Aussie it is easy to tell but not to outsiders and thats who I play to.

Want to try me?
[Post deleted by moderator Alexander (adm) // ]
"Hey mate, I just read your latest post to Modi. Seems like he has you there. Because he used crikey, which is linked to Steve Irwin, readers will automatically read his posts in an authentic Australian accent in their minds.Just because you are imagining Modi messing up the accent, doesn't mean the other readers are."

"I know mate but I can't turn back now,no matter how stupid I sounded.Got any ideas?"

"Well, you can....no not really. I told you those Zionists used mind control."

"Crikey mate, maybe the others won't notice?"

"Fat chance of that happening. If only Steve Irwin didn't get famous. Crocodile Dundee was too far back to be effective but not Irwin. Everyone knows him!"
All I have to do is wait for you to come over here don't I?

You were coming over here for a holiday weren't you?

It's going to be a little hard for you though. The Australian Dollar is really high compared to the American Dollar at the moment.

Still it's your money.

I must say thanks for the good laugh you've given me tonight Modi.

And now I have a great series of links for anyone that thinks you might be even remotely credible.

And the best thing is, here we are 2 pages later, and just like every other time you can't provide an answer. But of course you never could...

The difference now is that the thing you can't find an explanation for is why you were so easily duped by a random youtube video.

And with so many of your arguments coming from youtube videos...

It's almost like you were setting yourself up!

"Crikey mate, do you think anyone will notice how bitter I am seeing how Modi got to me again?"

"Hmm, I think they can see it, mate. I think you may need anger management."

"Anger management? But I tell everyone about my legendary self control."

"Yeah well it ain't evident looking around your house. There is a trail of broken lamps, dishes, and laptops all over the place, and you have worked your fingernails down to the knuckle."

"I know mate but I'm working on that. I made a Modi dart board to take out my frustrations but even though I've punctured it 1000 times so far, he is still handsome! I hate that guy!"

"Yeah mate, me too."
And with this, the West has officially lost Lebanon. Future looks bright, eh?

While the international community remains excited about the perceived spread of democracy in the Middle East, one of the region's only true democracies is now fully under the control of Islamist radicals.

Lebanese Prime Minister Najib Mikati on Monday finally announced his new cabinet, and it is made up primarily of Hizballah representatives and their allies.

Of the 30 cabinet ministers, 19 belong either to Hizballah or to smaller Christian parties that are allied with the Muslim terrorists.

Mikati himself, despite being a Sunni Muslim, was the prime ministerial candidate supported by the Shiite Hizballah after former Prime Minister Saad Hariri resigned in protest over the Islamists' growing power.

On Monday, Hariri slammed the new government as a "Hizballah government."

Syrian government officials praised the formation of the new Hizballah-dominiated cabinet, which is also expected to strengthen ties between Lebanon and the Iranian regime.
Say it ain't so!

"It’s been 1500 years since there has been a rabbinically approved sacrifice to take place in Israel and the rabbis did approve a Gentile who trained under the leadership of selected rabbis to perform the sacrifice of two turtledoves recently in Israel. The ceremony took place in the Jordan Valley near Jericho as a number of rabbis watched to make certain all Levitical laws were kept in the offering of these two doves.

There are a number of religious Jews that have been preparing for the building of the temple on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem who believe that Jews need to become accustomed once again to the offering of animals for the sacrifices called for when the temple is once again standing in Jerusalem."


The priests are being trained, the garments are finished, the vessels of gold completed. Uh oh, better keep your eye on Israel.

Prophecy states the Temple will be rebuilt in the same era as all the other signs. Here's wishing you many blessings!
I'm sorry, are these "prophecies" believed in by the same man who believed the hoax video mentioned earlier?

Oh well, in that case I guess we know exactly how much attention we should pay, or not.

Isn't it nice that now everyone can know how gullible Modi is?

Modi kind of reminds me of the X-files - "I want to believe", but will anyone else fall for this stuff?

Well, after finding out how much of a sucker Modi is, I'm guessing that there will be a whole lot less blind followers.

It must be kind of embarrassing for those who have fallen for his gibberish before.

"Crikey mate, you sure are worried that someone may believe the things that Modi posts. I mean, you know as well as I do that if they even found a single celled creature on another planet that we would use it as evidence that there is life and also no God. Modi's right about a "fetus" being qualified as life and that makes us supporters of murder or hypocrites, or , liars, or both."

"Shut up mate,or I'll swat ya for supporting Modi's position."

"But you're a pacifist ain't ya? Then again you support wholesale murder of human life so I'd guess you aren't really a pacifist."
"Crikey mate, I got Modi now. Look at my last post!"

"Yeah but Modi doesn't care about any of that. He knows America and Israel are superior nations and we Aussies have a complex because we are not really noticed.
That stupid Zionist nation of less than 6 million Jews dominates the press!"

"Yeah, that's an outrage!"

"But seriously, Modi came to this thread to discuss the topic and WE followed him there, like we did on all the other threads. Maybe nobody will notice eh?"

"Maybe not but I put it out there anyway because it makes me feel good, even if it isn't the truth. How many times have you checked Modi's profile today?"

"Hmm, can't be sure, maybe 50 or so, nothing has changed but its still early."

"I really hate to admit that Zionist takes on both of us all the time, because neither of us can take him alone. Jews are used to being ganged up on though but now they have guns and will use them when threatened. It was much easier for us when they were unarmed."

"Man I hate Zionists, especially ones with nukes!"
What no more YouTube links?

After criticizing the veracity of Wikipedia it is a bad joke that the bulk of your references are to YouTube videos.

Especially since a YouTube video was your ultimate downfall in terms of demonstrating your complete lack of credibility.

I suppose I should be glad that it is your preferred resource. If you used actual arguments it might have almost been a challenge to show how laughable your positions were.

Then again, I guess you were inevitably going to fail, because you have no real position to support.

Too Bad. So Sad. Better luck next time.

"Crikey mate, I keep blasting Modi for youtube videos when I tried to use UN Human Rights Council resolutions against Israel in my debate. You know the Council where freedom loving nations like Saudi Arabia and Cuba, Syria, and many other brutal regimes sit in condemnation of the Zionists? I don't think anyone noticed though."

"Yeah mate but isn't it obvious that Modi is simply mocking us? Maybe we should have a think tank to combat him. The two of us are hardly enough to face one determined Zionist!"

"Crikey, that's a GREAT idea! I'll go down to the Uni and grab some more indoctrinated zombies to help."

"OK mate but walk or ride your bike so you help combat global warming. The camel kill wasn't enough!"

"OK mate, will do."
It's funny. These posts just show how you have failed. If you had something to work with, 1000 people could argue against you and the truth of your position would reign supreme. Worked for Galileo and Darwin. But you've just given up because you know you are losing.

The narrative you believe in. USA is always good, Israel is always good, they hate us because they are haters (not because we've screwed every country in Latin America, Africa and the Middle East to get their resources), those evil Liberals hate America. That's the one seen all the time.

The counter narrative Grunge and I are putting out there, that there are always two sides, The "good guys" aren't necessarily all good, and the bad guy's aren't necessarily all evil, is rarely heard, so hopefully some of the readers (and I know there's at least a few) walk away with a bit of a more balanced view of the world.

And for all your talk of fascination, you were the one who first sent a LoWM mail to me talking politics.
now lock this thread 21st has gone back its history
"Crikey mate, I'm really going all out against Modi now, saying he failed, even though he is treating us like his court jesters..but it makes me feel good."

"Yeah, that Modi sure is showing how stupid he is by switching gears on us instantly. I'm not used to such quickness being an evolutionist and thinking in terms of billions of years."

"I wonder if he is getting mail from others who are laughing at us?"

"Hmm, can't be sure but I imagine so. We aren't doing a very good job competing with him. He's much too witty for us...and he is better looking to boot! I simply hate him!"

"No worries mate, we have each other, right?"

"Yeah mate, we have each other.Let's get married!"
The counter narrative Grunge and I are putting out there, that there are always two sides, The "good guys" aren't necessarily all good, and the bad guy's aren't necessarily all evil, is rarely heard, so hopefully some of the readers (and I know there's at least a few) walk away with a bit of a more balanced view of the world.

thank God the world is a balanced place and your view adjusts... (believe what you will, mate, you're free to do that)

and for the record: the "good guys" you mention... who are they?
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