Author | 2009 messages |
*then he pops up threw another hole behind th12 hits him over the head nocking him out then pulls him threw the hole veteran hears the screams of th12 then a struggle and then nothing all is silent* |
*preese's nuke brazil button* |
*cathes and demon and makes it teleport to diver,he then casts freeze on diver* |
*shoot's a nuke down the hole* i already closed it hahahahahah no more th12 who is next my portable holes rule!!!
p.s. i gave the tracking device to one of my fairies and she flew away leading u off track muahahahaha |
hi we have a bunch of posts |
my typing is getting worse -.-
cathes and demon-catches a demon |
*nuke's underground* |
i sprayed holy water on me leading the demon to hallucinate and lead u off track :) |
O.o this guy is good but did u know im connected to holy water and can appear from it anytime?u didn't? hah! prepare to die*incenirates diver* |
i am not underground my holes basicly teleport me somewhere else hahahaha u nuked all the demons underground and got them mad have fun with that |
*austin pulls out a dagger and kill's him self* |
but i spray water over u noraml water over u |
i am wearing cape of flame *diversecity opens new hole jumps threw closes it b4 veteran gets threw and washes off holy water* and demons are bussy killing the one who nuked them :) |
martions know diversecity is a threat so they vaporis him |
*tells diver that he just used his last hole and quickly jumps in the hole*u forgot to close it :P |
hahahahahahahahahahahahaha |
another news message :) |
*hug's diverscity* muhahahaha you did'ent pout on your anti hug suti |
i recycle holes over and over again and veteran jumps threw a decoy hole leading him to hell with a note saying i nuked u have fun with that :D |
-Three times! Three times faster than planned lol back to the game
*veteran is not what he seems to be,he is actually the son of satan and can control every single demon,he sends them all chasing diver while he rides a hell hound around a flame park xD* |