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AuthorAttack Survilurgov ( Battles for area )
for Purgatory:
Actually it is Battle Clan (we call it Military clan ):P
What is BC?

BC= Battle clan/military clan
So, events will come with alt barb and survs will keep continuing during the event? But if I understand if correctly, they will get easier and maybe less attacks per day during event (or is this some kind of protection you'll have to buy / plan)?

These temporary boosts that clan can buy look like fun, but if this will be in tournaments and such also, it will create serious unbalance (at least if clans with more battle glory can buy better boosts).
Maybe someone who knows good russian can translate the whole thing for us pleaze :)
is they talk about two different alt class of barb, one dark and other one Protection(i guess defend) build ?
Yes )

Fire birds (in place of thunder birds) ,new Cyclop does stun depending on range,goblin archers ,bore riders and defence bild?
Guess barbs gona have some fun in testing new builds )
2 new alt class for barb? I thought it's 2 new alt for 2 different factions...
maybe 1 alt for barbarian and 1 alt for tribal ( = steppe barbarian )
2 new alt class for barb? I thought it's 2 new alt for 2 different factions... could be but Google translate it like that :)
Error can happen !
1 alt for tribal

me want...hard to play as tribal in this event.
dunno if there will be alt tribal so fast... even the balance for current tribal is not done. And alt tribal will be too hard to make because the current racial skill is too important.
any idea when alt barb is coming and its racial
[Post deleted by moderator Magier // ]
Due to the amount of work the admins currently have, the interview was canceled. Fortunately it was still possible to answer at least a few questions.

-In the near future the alternative Upgrades for barbarians will appear in the armies of the Survilurgs (including the firebirds).

-The Survilurgs will become weaker and the amount of attacks might decrease.

-The barbarians will get two new classes at the same time. One will be specialized in defense and the other one in darkness magic. The altgrades for cyclops will get an ability to stun the enemy, depending on the distance to the target. The firebirds will get a permanent fire elemental damage bonus.

-The Survilurgs won't stop, but the amount of attacks from them will be reduced.

-Military clans will be able to buy different new buildings. MC members might also get temporary bonuses to attack, defense, initiative for all combats.

Other topics:
-It is planned to simplify the design of the game.

-The Exp/Fsp ratio in hunts will be improved.
awesome magier but i read it from my MC Leader the only thing that bothers me is the buildings :P
for Magier:

nice translation, thanks.

I also heard about rumors that says there will be time portal event soon, is it true?

I also heard about rumors that says there will be time portal event soon, is it true?
with crystals of time thats awesome :P
I also heard about rumors that says there will be time portal event soon, is it true?

It is planned to repeat the time portal event soon, we just don't know when that 'soon' will be. ;)
In the near future

I gave up reading when I read this.

Speaking about several months from now, as was the Merge in the near future (wich was 8months later).
for Arcanide:
I think it will be much sooner. It isn't hard to repeat an event.
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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