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AuthorElf Faction Topic Update

At level 10, Elf wasn't so bad in GB's. But at level 11, with the latest updates, Elf goes more on defense than on attack. That suggest that Elf becomes more suitable as Magic and less on Might. What do you think about?
for LordAideed:
Yeah, you will be relying on them for dealing with slow creatures such as golems, zombies etc
I have 2 questions:
1. I want to have luck + offensive + magic talents. What magic is better for elf Holy or Nature?
2. What creature is more useful faeries vs. fk's and sprites vs. normal fk's
Thanks for answering
for Filozof:
1. There is nothing to worry about now. Both holy and magic are used amongst elves. Nature though is probably slightly more popular from what I have seen.
2. Sprites for slow creatures (e.g. golems, zombies) and fks for the rest.
1. As magic: Holy in PVP's, Nature and Holy in hunts.
I prefer the holy because it is less talent points. But at level 10 you definitely want nature because of summon phantom. :)
Hello Elf mania!
i'm new in this game, and i have some questions.Please, help me^^
1. What is art? is it the same as hero's spell? if it is, then what it means by "full arts"?
2. I still dont understand why we (elf mania) use sprite. Till now i never use it coz can't take enemy retal. I use fk 18-1-1-1-1, so it can take enemy retal. Plus,there is no more meele in elf till lv8. Please,tell me why i have to use sprite.
3. What is the use of registering in Great Capital?
4. Is luck not that good for elf?
how can sprite be that good for slow enemy? Her att is so weak...

1. Art = artifact. Artifact is an item you put on to increase your hero characteristics (and, consequently, your troops characteristics). You can put on your hero up to 9 items and when you have 9 items put on your hero, it is called full arts. Also, each artifact you put on gives you a number of ammunition points (often referred as ap). From level 5 on, you will hear about "min ap". That means the creator of the GB is asking for a number of ammunition points equal with the combat level (exceptions are combat level 7 and from combat level 10 upward).

2. Sprites have good initiative. Against some troops (e.g., zombies), sprites can go, attack without retaliation and run away before those troops to move. That's why sprites are recommended in some cases. In PvP (player versus player), sprites are not useful but in thieving (second maximum after maximization of fk/efk).

3. No use. By default, you are welcomed in Great Capital, but as you need to enroll yourself, you might want to change your location (you have a circle with some directions in the bottom right-hand side of your map; map is the Flash object from the left-hand side of the page which you reach by clicking on "map" menu item).

4. What do you mean?
for 529= Thx a lot^^

i asked question 4 because i've read almost all of this elfian forum, and yet i found that not much people prefer luck. Most are prefer rally, etc.
Me myself don't know about the skill yet except luck. Before i read this forum, i already planned to have luck as my talent. But after reading this forum, i become confuse (?.?)

Thx before^^
Elf Conquer!!
One more: what is IMO???
what is IMO

In My Opinion

I prefer luck as well and I used it until level 9 when I started to use a combination of rally with luck. Still, luck is not all the time the best talent. For example, when using sprites, battle fury is more helpful than luck (the attack for sprites is increased by 50% while luck brings 50% at the luck parameter 5 which cannot be achieved but with the help of tavern drink). So, my recommendation is to change your talents as a function of what you are using as troops and what you face because there is not only one set of talents which fits best for any situation.

Good luck! :)
I want the best talents and tactics for ambushing for A level 7 elf
okay its time to lock this topic cuz' its too long

continue here plzz thnx

okay nvm since its not outdated

sorry for my ignorance, but why do you want another thread about elves when you are a dark elf since a while?
umm... how do i get the +30% dmg to neutrals?? its very much used in hunts... i don't have a slightest idea from where do ppl get that..
Hunter sets
for itchyarrow:
It's the full MH set
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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