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Author5000 messages w00t
every single post that is added is giving fun

Yippeeee Yiah Yahhhh I am so funtastic.

Who wants some of my hilariousness... (Now in post-sized pieces!)
Lol internet sarcasm... Just doesn't sound as great as it reads!
Sarcasm is served..
What's the connection of these? 0o

07-07-09 06:01: Dizbe[8] vs PlayBoy0[8] vs _Decrous_[8]
07-07-09 05:12: _Decrous_[8] vs roadonblood[8] vs PlayBoy0[8] vs Dizbe[8]
07-07-09 04:32: Hidog[8] vs _Decrous_[8] vs Dizbe[8] vs PlayBoy0[8]
Lol Me trying to kill a noob :D
Dizbe is no fun =(
hehe, same second new rcord
Nah your right... I can't see the "Suspicion" In anything...
Sooo... Who do you think will get the 5000th?
Not me... I don't want it.
try doing that, dizbel! (sorry but i like to add 'l' at the back of names, like kizzel, dizbel etc
Errr why?
I want the 5thk post!

add a quote with blank words and wallaa

btw, only AoL?
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