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Author | May 21, 2011-End Of The World? |
It's that simple. You made a statement. "The Jewish culture is better, so they have a right to fight against the Palis". That means everyone who thinks there culture is better has that same right, and thus you have justified the Holocaust and Palestinian terrorism, and for that matter nearly any terrorism.
Sure they have the right. The Jews also have the right to defend their own culture and will do so in the face of all opponents. I never claimed they didn't have the right.
But those who look at the two cultures and support the Palis would, if given the choice to live in Israel or Paliland, would pay all they had to live in Israel.
I want to know Fishy, about how the Palis treat their own people who are Christian in the West Bank and Gaza? Uh huh, better not go there eh? | After the election in Gaza and the West Bank, Hamas murdered the PLO politicians and their families, killing women and children, tossing people off rooftops, and burning their homes.
If that's how they treat each other, you can take your peace treaty and eat it. I would have to say you have a nefarious reason for supporting the Palis.
I have a friend from Pakistan who works at a gas station near me. He tells me his friends back home rail against the USA all the time and told him they would never want to live there.
Then the immigration lottery comes around and those same people couldn't wait to sign up. He reminded them what they said about the USA and all he heard was....crickets.
So your argument if ever put to the test, would show you to be false. You know if you were forced to choose where to live, you would choose Israel amongst its neighbors. Admit it. | Also I will submit the peace treaties between Israel, Egypt, and Jordan as rock solid proof that Israel would indeed live in peace with its neighbors IF they really wanted it and were ready to put down the guns and bombs.
Pretty hard to show how Israel doesn't want peace in light of those treaties but keep trying. | So in 481 you said "sure they have the right". So you have accepted that your logic means the Germans had the right to commit the holocaust and the Palestinians have the right to commit terrorism?
Wow. I would think you'd throw away your flawed logic before accepting that it justifies the holocaust. While obviously you and I disagree on most things, at least you are being consistent.
I've never said the Palestinians are saints. Both groups are nuts. The Israelis, once they got power, they forget how bad it was to be oppressed and became the villain. The Palestinians fighting an unwinnable fight, and becoming quite barbaric in many things.
@483. The $2b annually in aid the US gives to Egypt as well as the fact that the Sinai peninsula is not part of "Biblical Israel" made that peace deal a lot easier. Also, here is proof you should accept that the treaty isn't rock solid.
Deuteronomy 11:24: Every place whereon the soles of your feet shall tread shall be yours: from the wilderness and Lebanon, from the river, the river Euphrates, even unto the uttermost sea shall your coast be.
Israel is getting Sinai back. Either Egypt will break the treaty or Israel will. If biblical prophecy, which you state you believe in, is true, then the current peace is transitory and Israel can not live in peace with it's neighbours. I'm not saying who will break the truce, but you can't be sincere by saying you'll believe peace will continue when you believe in all these "last days" prophecies. | So in 481 you said "sure they have the right". So you have accepted that your logic means the Germans had the right to commit the holocaust and the Palestinians have the right to commit terrorism?
Wow. I would think you'd throw away your flawed logic before accepting that it justifies the holocaust. While obviously you and I disagree on most things, at least you are being consistent.
No , here is your flawed logic. You try to equate the Israeli/Pali situation with what happened in Germany.
Let me tell you something. If the Jews wanted to exterminate the Palis, they could have bloody well done it 1000 times over.
If the Germans decided that Jews couldn't live there, that is their right. If the Germans decided to exterminate the Jews, it is not their right.
I love it when a jaded lefty tries to equate the Palis to the Jews in Germany. Many of your own favorites would say you were playing a fool, and you are.
The treaties between Israel Egypt and Jordan aren't solid? Oh, please show me the wars between them after they were signed.
Facts are you back a people who murder their own citizens for any reason at all.
Facts are that Muslims living in Israel have more human rights than every single Muslim-controlled Middle East country.
Those are the facts Fishy. Too bad they don't match your silly fantasies but they don't. | Israel is getting Sinai back. Either Egypt will break the treaty or Israel will. If biblical prophecy, which you state you believe in, is true, then the current peace is transitory and Israel can not live in peace with it's neighbours. I'm not saying who will break the truce, but you can't be sincere by saying you'll believe peace will continue when you believe in all these "last days" prophecies.
Oh we know who will break the peace treaty, but probably I am the only one who can say it out loud. Egypt will break the peace treaty.
Why? Because the new government will now reassess it and IGNORE that Israel has lived up to its side of the bargain.
See Fishy, Israel has learned that giving land for peace is foolish as the treaties won't last forever but they gave it the old college try, didn't they?
Did you know that Egypt practiced the invasion of Israel in 08 with their army and considered it their enemy, much to the surprise of Israel?
You have to wonder about a people who took time out of their little celebration of freedom, to rape a Western woman while shouting " Jew Jew Jew!"
The Bible does say that after its all over, Egypt will once again be favored and honored, along side Israel.
The Koran? Nothing of the sort can be found. Only plans to exterminate Jews. | Lets put Fishys ideas against Modis in the North Korean/South Korean issue.
Fishy would be hard pressed to support North Korea, a brutal regime that not only terrorizes South Korea, but indeed its own people.
Would Fishy say there is ANY sort of comparison between the two states and support the pullback of troops protecting the South, because "gee they have argued long enough, haven't they?"
Or would Fishy say that the North was far from ready for peace and the South must be segregated and indeed protected at all costs because they have proven to be a blessing to the world?
Now replace North Korea/South Korea with Palis/Israel.
Fishy seems to think the PROVEN blessing to the world, Israel, is comparable to Paliland, a place that terrorizes its own citizens and those nations around it.
Facts are that the Palis are not ready for peace, just as North Korea is not ready for peace but lefties flat out ignore this.
Does the West want to exterminate the North Koreans? Heaven forbid. They want them to CHANGE and join the South and the rest of the world and be free.
Does Israel want to exterminate the Palis? Heaven forbid. They want them to CHANGE and join the world and be free.
So all your bullcrap comparisons of Israel to Nazi Germany are false when investigated. There was never a call for extermination of the Palis, indeed they are living free in Israel right at this very moment,a place where their women can go to school, drive, vote, and dress as they please.
You want to go on comparing Israel to its neighbors as if they were even on the same planet in terms of human rights, you can, but don't ask the rest of the adults to agree with you.
You have a clear bias against Israel and thats simply your own problem. There is always room for redemption though, should you ever come to terms with the truth that is right in front of you. | Much as would like to imagine that South Korea and North Korea are a good "comparison". It doesn't quite work. The problem being that both groups have the ability to freely trade, fish, import "weapons" such as concrete.
A better example would probably be Apartheid regime that used to exist in South Africa. The government during this time attempted to force the native African population into separate allocated areas (Buntustans) so as to maintain "Ethnic homogeneity".
And of particular interest -
There are particular parts of the Apartheid Analogy article that I find telling, such as the National Identification Cards, which essentially can be used to identify non-Jewish persons. Also the comparison from those who experienced Apartheid after experiencing the situation in Israel. Of course there are criticisms of the analogy, including those from South Africa, so I would encourage anyone who wants to know more to read the article in it's entirety.
Grunge | Much as would like to imagine that South Korea and North Korea are a good "comparison". It doesn't quite work. The problem being that both groups have the ability to freely trade, fish, import "weapons" such as concrete.
Uh huh, the Palis ruin a billion dollar greenhouse industry left for them...for free like a pack of wild animals and you want us to cry boo hoo?
Aw poor them.
Is that why North Korea has a starving population. In fact, the Palis eat FAR better than the North Koreans.
Concrete to build more bunkers to shoot rockets at civilian targets? Sorry but it all must be approved by Israel, without leave from Australia or any other country having any real say in the matter.
You can always take your low ranked army and come get some of what the IDF can dish out. lol
They have nukes and the Samson option on the table.
I think you may be cowering because of the growing power to the North. I can't wait for that wailing to begin when the Dragon starts to push you around.
What do you think, boycott time?
As the video least do it right if your are going to do it.
And a hearty LOL to boot! | Does anyone remember the hand-wringing when Egypt controlled Gaza? No? Oh that's funny.
Does anyone remember the hand-wringing when Jordan controlled the West Bank?
But now that Israel is involved, all the termites come out of the woodwork to cry foul. Uh huh.
See that's why Israel doesn't care what hypocrites say,and as we recently saw here in the States, Israel is more popular than our own president.
LOL ain't that a hoot!
Now looking at England struggling to maintain even a small offensive against Libya....I don't think anyone is in a position to demand a thing, do you?
Nope, Gates was right when he told the EU they needed to start paying for their own defense. Broke? Too bad! Pay up or shut up.
lol | It is quite amazing, the Bible saying that Israel will wander the earth for ages, facing persecution, only to regather into what was once Israel, where the world will be in a fit over the city of Jerusalem.
Is that not the issue? We all know it is. Before Christianity, before Islam, the Bible said the city of Jerusalem will entangle the world after Israel's rebirth.
It tells us of the Arab confederation that desires war against Israel, and even a global economic problem where hyper inflation drives the prices of food through the roof. Don't forget that at the same time, it was predicted that the world would be able to view a single event at the same time.
Na, it can't be. lol | So desperate to try and move away from the Apartheid Analogy Modi? Trying to bring it back to your preferred comparison with Korea, which you know is not even remotely a genuine comparison?
Is that because you are aware of the other ties between Apartheid South Africa and Israel?
"Israel was the only internationally recognized country and UN member to afford some sort of diplomatic recognition to any of the Bantustans, though formal acknowledgment of the Bantustans as fully-fledged countries never occurred." (from
There is also a great deal of speculation that Israel and South Africa cooperated together with developing nuclear weapons. It is speculated that Israel had Nuclear Weapons well before then however.
See and
Of course South Africa has since abandoned Apartheid, signed up to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, Biological Weapons Convention and Chemical Weapons Convention (see
Israel, on the other hand, is not a signatory to any of these conventions (
Again, I encourage people to read and make up their own minds.
Grunge | Is that because you are aware of the other ties between Apartheid South Africa and Israel?
Silly Grunge, Palis are free in Israel and always were, unlike Australia and it's population.
You think I care that the world is against Israel? Don't you know we were waiting for this to happen?
Our spirits are lifted higher than ever while you go on with your fake outrage over the Palis.
Again, nobody worried about the Palis while Jordan and Egypt controlled them so those now overly concerned show their true bias.
We WANT this to come to pass Grunge cuz the good guys(thats us) win, and the bad guys(thats you) lose in a very big way.
Please rally your country to boycott and even send troops to help.
Your country can't even veto a thing the UN passes but fortunately the US can, and we happen to be Israel's friend, so your dreams of victory will have to wait for a while. If we collapse? You are coming down with us and that is a comforting thought ;)
See ya in the Apocalypse. ) | Where can women drive, vote, wear skimpy clothing, and walk down the street without a male escort? Gays can freely congregate?
Saudi Arabia? no
Iran? no
What countries stone their women for having the audacity to be raped?
Saudi Arabia? yes
Iran? yes
Oh but the world is all in a fit over Israel and its human rights abuses. Countries like Saudi Arabia said so and Grunge agrees. lol
Ah the charade they play. To be expected ...but this time...the Jews have weapons...and nukes....uh oh.
As for having nukes, notice that Israel never used any, nor threatened to do so, and even refused to talk about it. To me, that's a responsible nation.
Iran doesn't even have a nuke and they are already promising to wipe Israel off the map but Grunge is worried about Israel's nukes.
Maybe Israel will run to other powers, seeing how the West is abandoning them. A Russo/Chinese/Israel alliance anyone? Oh wouldn't that be interesting?
Israel doesn't need you. YOU need Israel though. Israel struck what is said to be the largest natural gas reserve in the world. What timing!
Shall we lol? | Many people are so desperate to become part of Israel.. many are willing to convert and change their whole life just to be in advantage! The only reason somebody would argue about Israel and try to doubt their acions is because of jealousy!
Silence! I KILL YOU!!! | Again notice how Modi tries to deflect and distract from the issue?
Particularly he doesn't even try to engage on the issue of the Apartheid Analogy, because he knows just how badly it reflects badly on Israel.
Why on earth would a speculative collapse of the United States result in the same for Australia? You really do live in a fantasy world Modi.
Palestinians are free in Israel? Really? So I guess I must be just imagining the walls and checkpoints, put in place by Israel, to keep the Palestinian populace separated from the Israeli population?
Why does the National Identity Card in Israel have a notable difference that enables anyone examining it to determine whether the holder is Jewish or not (Hebrew calendar birth-date)?
There is a clear case of segregation in Israel. Those who lived in Apartheid South Africa and Jim Crow Law United States ( will recognise the similarities. Disenfranchisement, social and economic disadvantages systemically entrenched in a political system? Check!
I would like to see Modi actually engage on this issue, but I realise that this is probably unrealistic. It doesn't fit his world-view and should therefore be rejected out of hand.
Everyone should take the time to find out for themselves about any issue. Allow yourself to become informed.
Grunge | for coolahed:
Its true mate.
Lebanon's Arabs were raised to hate Jews even though they called themselves Christian.
They invited the Muslims there to work and become a part of society. Big mistake.
The Lebanese Christians were about done for and who did they call for help in their last moments? Israel.
Israel came and saved the Christians in Lebanon. Its just a fact of life.
If you are interested in a good story, watch this series of videos.
The woman tells about the war in Lebanon and how Israel treated her and her mother when she was evacuated into Israel with a serious injury.
I know this video may be painful for lefties so watch with caution! :P | Particularly he doesn't even try to engage on the issue of the Apartheid Analogy, because he knows just how badly it reflects badly on Israel.
Why on earth would a speculative collapse of the United States result in the same for Australia? You really do live in a fantasy world Modi.
Engage in garbage with you? I have a simple answer for you about are wrong.
Again, skipping over the women and gay abuses in the Middle East? Uh huh.
If you think your economy would survive an American collapse, you are the one dreaming.
Brazil shook the world when it defaulted not too long ago. How much more so if the biggest consumer goes down?
Again, shall we lol? | for modi!
Yup! People are raised to hate the Jews with no good reason.. | for coolahed:
Or they use any excuse to hide behind their hatred. Heck I have more respect for the Islamists who hate Israel. At least they are men enough to say it out loud. |
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