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AuthorFlooders Tenthouse
i'd say they're fun to play with the rushing and nimbleness..but are outmatched easily by meta pvp builds..

there are exceptions to this tho..like against def tribals, charmers get to shoot their blood-parched warlords/enforcers..

also, elves rely heavily on morale and luck bursts
What's better for TG at my level..could use some advice

10% obsidian sword or 21% sword of might (No I enchant on either)
if everything else is kept the the same
Ancient compass + charm + Cloak of sun + flame plate, helmet, boots + Barrier talent = 101% magic resistance.
The SoM is better... though both are bad if you don't have I enchant

Got this for 195g/battle (180 with 80% repairs), while for the same pirice only e7a7f7 SOMs are available.. An obsidian sword will always have 5% damage advantage bur the ini of an som is good too for DEs
I got my SoM for about 220/battle
I'm improving :P

12,999 Percy-Jackson Straight up 29 467,964
Only dragons brilliant uni and anchorites left :D
what the heck percy :P

what % enchants. meshy?
i remember mods used to tell people not to post roulette success stories on forums :P
Brilliant uni and anchorites left now :)

if you're just doing hunts, don't need uni
i remember mods used to tell people not to post roulette success stories on forums :P

He can post all the success stories he wants, any sane people will just look at his balance. ;)
why did the fsp decrease from 3.04 to 2.28 in the event :/
Well people do bad at first.. but they improve :P

Well I would need it for TG and PvP too although with so low fsl I don't know what are the disadvantages :P (which are a lot of stats though) alon with favored enemy
ur not allowed to play CG without PoS
ur not allowed to play CG without PoS

Can confirm
I'm improving :P

12,999 Percy-Jackson Straight up 29 467,964

Yeah and you are also taking illegal amounts in loans to fuel your roulette addiction! Maximum size of debt that can be owed to all other players in total is 15,000 * [Combat level] gold. Yesterday you had 247.5k owing to other players when you can only have 210k maximum owed.
Who said anything about CG? :P
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