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AuthorAll about Knight faction: Stats, Talent, Tactics, Strategy
putting a majority of them in defense by accident. Is this a massive issue??? Nope..

If you think that you want to change your attributes, just buy one Potion of oblivion at Artifact Shop
putting a majority of them in defense by accident. Is this a massive issue???
although fighting def knight is so frustrating, expecially if they have def talents too, they just dont die.
Can someone post a battle link with a def knight?

High def over attack, def talents etc?
Hi guys Plus427 here again with another question.

For a demon army{1} whats a good recruitment count?

Also I'm building a strength knight (currently level 6) and have all the
buildings and upgrades in game money can possibly buy.
What is a good recruitment count for me???

Thanks in advance,
in term of army quest, just kill them all within the attempt will do.

What is a good recruitment count for me???
it is either max bow or max swordsmen for hunt, just pick the right one and jump into combat
Do we might knights care more about morale or luck???
because knight are naturally slow you will find allmost all knights go for morale
morale..luck isnt compulsory morale is..a morale burst can always change the game.
Hi guys,its been a long time since I have participated in this forum.As a hardcore knight,now I"ll try to be active and help put people.

for plus427: In a situation where u can take only one of em,morale should definitely be your choice,as death2all said,knights are pretty slow but pack a punch.Many times morale boost changes the game by giving you a unexpected hit on opponents powerful unit and the game totally changes.Also at lvls 5-7,its very hard to defeat wizies,if the wizard is good in the end it will be running with its gargs and u chasing it with swords then your best shot will be to get a boost on and get a powerful strike on the gargs.

Hope I helped
Also guys,I had a question.

I just made my mind to be a buffer holy knight for some time.Its the first time im being one so I have no idea on how to redistribute my parameters.

Also,which arts would go well with buffer holy knight?it has to be a good combination of parameters and arts.Any help will be highly appreciated :)
for Lord DarkAtom:
Holy knight is recomended from level 10.
5-6 knowledge and 5-6 spell power are sufficient for lvl 10.
I'm planning to build resistance among one of elf,dwarf,necro,demon.
Which one would be recomended in terms of cg and pvp at lvl 14+.
Note i already have resistance for de and wiz.
although fighting def knight is so frustrating, expecially if they have def talents too, they just dont die.

I joined QT in full def with recruiter set. Had 48 def and about 25 attack.
All talents as def. Recruiter set gave me 25% less melee damage.
Any might player was easy to defeat, only weakness is a mage.
Offensive DE against full defence knight.

Thanks for the post Arc!
Defensive look so hard to kill :P
Thanks for the post Arc!
Defensive look so hard to kill :P

what Arcanide said, if there is no caster to nuke, it is disgusting, you get killed by retaliation.
what Arcanide said, if there is no caster to nuke, it is disgusting, you get killed by retaliation. :P
defense built is not recommended if opponents has dis ray or poison built too.

they can just cast all those spells slowly and attack after you become weaker
Wich are good base stats for a knight lvl 7? How about talents? For "standard" knight!
Player banned by moderator ElfPride until 2013-07-16 21:47:22 // FR#1.7//Add. characters aren't allowed to post in main forums
at level 7,
take leadership talents, rally can help too.
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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