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AuthorMay 21, 2011-End Of The World?
You do realise that your post 446 justifies the holocaust. The Germans were quite convinced that their culture was superior and anything they did to the sub humans (in their mind Jews, not Palestinians) was acceptable and not up for debate.

Uh, no. Certainly if you read about the Holocaust, many Germans were jealous of Jews who held positions of power in their society and business world.
They weren't outside the society, they were LEADING society.

Same as in the Middle East. The Jews are so far ahead of the Arabs that it is just silly to compare. Same result, jealousy.

We see it in America. "The Jews run the country. Their lobby is running the show."

Almost every group has its own lobby. If you can't compete with the Jewish one, I guess it just means they are better at what they are doing. Instead of improving their own lobbying groups, they whine and cry about AIPAC.

"We just can't compete with those Jews!"
Diplomat: Over 4,300 Syrian refugees flee into Turkey
06/12/2011 16:02

Syrian tanks, helicopters storm border town; estimates of number of refugees reach 10,000; diplomat says Syria implementing "scorched earth policy"; resident: Reports of army casualties actually mutinous troops.

Now opponents of Israel cried for them to give back the Golan Heights to Syria, a place that Syria used to fire into Israel.

Israel said " no, the Assad regime is evil and does not wish peace with us."

Opponents didn't want to hear any of that because to them, Israel is just a land-grabbing imperialist nation.

Now we can see who was right. Assad turned out to be just what Israel said he was.

Unfortunately the left here in the USA got embarrassed(if that's possible)
after Hillary Clinton announced that Assad is a reformer.

Yeah, he is a reformer. Nice work, dim bulb.
A valid point when brought up in comparison with the Ephrussis, Rothschilds, and of course the Sandlers and Cohens of the world. Counter point now please.
A valid point when brought up in comparison with the Ephrussis, Rothschilds, and of course the Sandlers and Cohens of the world. Counter point now please

How about you explaining the point you are trying to make clearly so you can get the response you deserve :)
well its way past may 21 2011 so ya :)
hehe @ 465, correct, problem is that now everyone says that guy was wrong and someone else is right now, it will never end.

religion - the need to hold on to something when your own brain cant grasp the situation/occurrence. (ps this is not an insult, merely reality)

ex: God of thunder / god of this / god of that.
one day, it might be in a far far future, we will be able to explain everything, and from that moment religions like Christianity are not needed anymore.
[Player banned by moderator Kiz until 2011-06-13 08:48:56 // Posting with multi, relapse~]
:S sorry for multi post.
ban ban BAN!
[Player banned by moderator Kiz until 2011-06-13 05:59:07 // off-topic post, warning.]
@461. Use whatever justification you want to convince yourself that you aren't a hypocrite.

The Germans were convinced they were culturally superior to the Jews. At that point in time, most people would agree. Some of the great German playwrights and philosophers. Hegel, Kant, van Goethe, Marx, Nietzsche, Schopenhauer. Look at some Shakespeare to see how the Jews were thought of at the time. You can't in one breath say Jews were hated, and then say everyone wanted to be Jews.

I'm not saying that the world's opinion was right or fair or correct based on modern day values, but I am saying that was the world's opinion. Most of the world, and definately most Germans thought they were superior to the Jews. In fact the concept of racism wasn't really much in existence at the time. Everyone pretty much thought they and their people were better than everyone else.

So I put it to you again, your posts 444 and 446 says that if someone thinks there culture is better, they have the right to fight against people they think will be harmful to them and their culture. That is what the Germans did to the Jews. In trying to justifying Israel's actions against the Palestinians, you have justified Germany's actions in the holocaust. Congratulations.
Salem Witch Hunts (Killing people with no proof of wrong doing)

Albigensian Crusade (killing their own because of a disagreement on church doctirne)

The more recent crusade (Killing that's now up to 6 figures for the death of just over 3000 in a country that wasn't even responsible for housing the terrorists, and didn't have weapons of mass destruction)

This crusade, this war on terrorism is going to take a while.
George W Bush-Remarks on the south lawn of the White House (September 16, 2001

I'll just mention the medieval crusades, no link. We all know the butchery done there.

And as Modi is so ready to point out about those evil Muslims, you have to take all the actions of the Muslims as your side's as they believe in a God. So I guess the Muslims with their solid moral compass given to them by God are doing only good things?
Or maybe, just maybe, it's better to look at individual and make an assessment on good or evil instead of trying to paint a whole group (suc as atheists) as evil by the actions or comments of a few (Nietszche).
The Germans were convinced they were culturally superior to the Jews. At that point in time, most people would agree. Some of the great German playwrights and philosophers. Hegel, Kant, van Goethe, Marx, Nietzsche, Schopenhauer. Look at some Shakespeare to see how the Jews were thought of at the time. You can't in one breath say Jews were hated, and then say everyone wanted to be Jews.

Uh, Facepalm? Oh how I LOVE it!

“The Jews, however, are beyond all doubt the strongest, toughest, and purest race at present living in Europe; they know how to succeed even under the worst conditions (in fact better than under favorable ones) by means of virtues of some sort, which one would like nowadays to label as vices-owing above all to a resolute faith which does not need to be ashamed before “modern idea…

It is certain that the Jew, if he desired-or if they were driven to it, as the antisemites seem to wish-could now have the ascendancy, nay, literally the supremacy, over Europe; that they are not working or planning for that end is equally sure… The resourcefulness of the modern Jews, both in mind and soul, is extraordinary…”

- Friedrich Nietzsche
German Philosopher (1844 - 1900)

Karl Heinrich Marx was born on 5 May 1818 at 664 Br&#252;ckergasse in Trier, a town located in the Kingdom of Prussia's Province of the Lower Rhine.[11] His ancestry was largely Jewish, with his paternal line having supplied the rabbis of Trier since 1723

Hilarious! You mention Nietzsche who obviously saw the Jew as superior and Marx, who was a Jew himself as examples?
@471 The same Nietzsche that you buddy Syrian suggests has the kind of attitude that was responsible for the holocaust? He's a godless atheist. How can you take him seriously? Isn't he as wrong as Dawkins, or is it different if he says something you like? I mentioned Nietzsche in the context of a great German philosopher.

You still haven't answered the question. Most Germans thought their culture was superior to the Jews. By your own posts, if your culture is better, then you can take arms against people who would harm you and your culture. The justification you have used for the Israel response to Palestinians justifies the holocaust. If you think it doesn't, explain how it doesn't. Saying "The Jewish culture was better" is a non-answer as I have clearly shown and stated that most people at the start of the holocaust would think the German culture superior to the Jewish.
for Barbarian-Fishy:

Ever hear of Kristallnacht? Pretty much shows that Jews had businesses and homes and were integrated into society, although in their sections of cities.

I mean, there must have been quite a lot of businesses busted up for the name Kristallnacht to be given to it.

As for the USA and Australia, they conquered completely separate native populations and the cultures that took over were so far removed from the natives it really isn't worth comparing, is it?

Now because you brought up Nietzsche, I won't let his comment on the superiority of the Jewish race go by without you explaining it. That's YOUR boy, isn't it?

Also, your hero Voltaire? Is this why you like him?

He said about the Jews:
''You have surpassed all nations in impertinent fables, in bad conduct and in barbarism. You deserve to be punished, for this is your destiny.''

Please don't make me laugh. We weren't talking about who THOUGHT one culture was superior to another, we were talking about what culture WAS superior. The Holocaust was done out of pure jealousy son.
Let's take someone's honesty who was in power at the time of the Holocaust.

Prince Philip

Philip said that he was never ‘conscious of anybody in the family actually expressing anti-Semitic views,’ but acknowledged that that there were ‘inhibitions about the Jews’ and ‘jealousy of their success.’
“Asked to make a list of the men who have most dominated the thinking of the modern world, many educated people would name Freud, Einstein, Marx and Darwin. Of these four, only Darwin was not Jewish. In a world where Jews are only a tiny percentage of the population, what is the secret of the disproportionate importance the Jews have had in the history of Western culture?”

- Ernest van den Haag, The Jewish Mystique
(New York: Dell Publishing Company, 1971, pg. 13)

@473 Like usual, if the answer you would have to give would hurt your world view, it's jettisoned. You originally said culture, not wealth. Even if the Germans who were involved in Kristallnacht were jealous of the Jewish wealth they still thought the German culture was superior to the Jews.

How many times do I need to say the Aussies shafted the Aborigines before it gets through? Oh that's right. If you acknowledge that, it would take away more from your already weak position.

Neitsche is one German philosopher who is famous and thus relevant in discussing German culture. For the record, when I read some of his stuff, I thought he was a pompous windbag who was full of himself and quite tedious. I wasn't saying his philosophy was right or wrong, I am saying it is world famous and important and shows the pre-eminence of German culture.

Voltaire, I like that quote on my page. I haven't read much of him. That quote you've given, I don't like as I don't think any group deserve to be punished, as collective punishment is a flawed idea (thus my dislike of the Iraq war and America collectively punishing Iraqis for the actions of Saddam).

Of course it's about who THOUGHT the culture was better. You, Modi, are not God. If you say it is so, it does not make it so. You justified Israel's action against the Palis because you THINK the Israeli culture is better.

Thus, by your logic, If a Pali THINKS his culture is better he has the right to fight back at the Israelis. If A German THOUGHT his culture was better, he had every right to remove the Jews as they would damage his people and his culture. Your justification for Israel, justifies the holocaust and Palestinian terrorism.
My girlfriend is Chinese, coming from Viet Nam. She grew up post-war and had to quit school and go to work as soon as she learned her math and Chinese.

When she was in school, they were not taught in the way the West is taught and they know very little about anything outside their country.

With this limited education, she asked me why so many people hate Jews? She hears it at work all the time by her co-workers. Jews are greedy,cheap, evil, and run the world.

I showed her Shindlers List and she was so upset she couldn't finish watching. Then I showed her the history of the Jews in Europe, 2000 years of murder and persecution.

She figured out very quickly that something was wrong with this picture. After I explained the religious connotation to it all, it became clear to her that she needed to investigate it further and is now questioning her own religious beliefs in light of that.

It's all about being honest with yourself and that's something you will have to deal with.

476 2011-06-13 13:07:40
@473 Like usual, if the answer you would have to give would hurt your world view, it's jettisoned. You originally said culture, not wealth. Even if the Germans who were involved in Kristallnacht were jealous of the Jewish wealth they still thought the German culture was superior to the Jews.

Again Fishy, the Jews were living with the Germans and contributing to their society. There is no comparison to Israel and its neighbors. I would like to see any reasonable list of accomplishments if you could dig any up.
Also, we can look at what happened to Lebanon, formerly the Paris of the Middle East.

They invited the Muslims in their mostly Christian country and what did they get?

Yeah right Fishy. They RUINED it! They warred with the people who helped them and now run that country with Hizbollah tramping all over the place, armed to the teeth.

THATS my example and a modern one at that!
You saying something is true does not make it so. Every German didnt think the Jewish culture was better just because Modi says so. Every Pali doesn't think the Jewish culture is better because Modi says so. I'll just cut and paste a previous post.

I'll refer you bback to the last 2 paragraphs of 476

It's that simple. You made a statement. "The Jewish culture is better, so they have a right to fight against the Palis". That means everyone who thinks there culture is better has that same right, and thus you have justified the Holocaust and Palestinian terrorism, and for that matter nearly any terrorism.
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