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AuthorFlooders Tenthouse
it gets really annoying when u dont roll what u need
I lost 2 in a row :( I have 789 in 11 battles... do I have any chance for a good score now?
I have 5k strength in 60 battles :D
Totally messed up
for Percy-Jackson:
Hmm that's an ok score I think... what rank?
4162 :P
I see... well you still have 12 battles left :)
And they will be wasted similar to the last 60 :P
Give one of your number riddles, has been a while :P
Not in mood, I'll be saving them for special occasions xD
That's all I got :P

Total army strength: 8,552
Victories / Combats: 71 / 72
Hmm not bad, what rank?
3103 ATM
Guess who's back :P

Total army strength: 11,168
Victories / Combats: 69 / 72
Guess who's back :P

Batman ?
Wrong. Keep guessing
Guess who's back :P

Johnny - The Bravo
Shady's back?
bonus points for anyone that gets the reference
^ Eminem?
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