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AuthorAll about Elves faction: Stats, Talent, Tactics, Strategy
Any link for elf v/s vanguard of knight {22} & vanguard of DE{15} ?
Vanguard of knights {23}


Vanguard of dark elves {14}

Thanks Vengeful for first one. second i need {15} 0r high
Vanguard of knights {24} (different tactics but on lvl 15)

Vanguard of dark elves {16}
Can somebody plz provide some lvl 13 elf pvp links?

What talents are good for PVP
3 lucks+rally+defense

i have a lot in my log like:
On lv 12 I have had great success with basic def, vitality, advanced fortune and basic erudition. On lv 13, I think a good build for elfs would be advanced def, vitality, avoidance, and advanced fortune.
hey guys i have a lot of trouble in lvl 5 about whats the best combo? troops numbers?
I would have gone for max shooters and sprites then druids.
so FK are no use to me?
so FK are no use to me?almost :P take sprites they are better than fk at lvl5-7
as mohini said: almost no use. only against shooters but again sprites are really good for that and shooters are the bait ;-)
Does soldier luck effect the critical hit of troops?
It only helps triggering special abilities like stuns or knocking shot
soldier luck only affect gmb(knocking shot) and brilliant unicorn(blinding) in elf troops
soldier luckis good for elf coz less talent points.
soldier luckis good for elf coz less talent points. d
do not go down..stay on top :P
any type battle link for an elf >CL 14 doing nature build ?
for Mohini:
Well for me , i split my 10 druids in to 2|2|2| then 4 alone , and split my 40 Fks to 39 | 1 for ret. , my elven bow men are kept because more dmagae when i stack them up , its pretty effective in groups and duels
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