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then behemoths baby get enraged and killed azabukinie..:P
a strange necro come to rise aza
the necro then successfully brainwashed aza and make him his slave.
and told him to..
kill hell_barbarian and her succeded in it
then i broke the spell and killed the necro
by the help of the Great Qio
and hell_barbarian..
then suddenly a...
necro came for the dark forest ! it was their friend Goku_30 so a festival was organized in the land of the Empire
which was enjoyed a lot by..
the Lords and Ladies, and Goku_30 was so happy that all the people where happy for his return ...
and gave gifts to everyone
but a couple wasn't happy at all because of Goku_30's return, they were called ...
the cave dwellers
they are very powerful !
they tried to assassinate Goku_30 but they failed because the Goku_30's dearest friends blocked the Cave Dwellers ... but they were not alone, the Cave Dwellers had an entire army with them so ...
that they can rule the world...
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