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AuthorIt's That Time of the Year Again~
Hahaha bad poem...

Anyone have watch UPIN AND IPIN?
no, did you? :o
[sensible flood]
[sensible flood]

no flood is sensible :o

that's the point of flooding :p
we'll never get to post 2010 in time :(
no flood is sensible :o

that's the point of flooding :p

Say that to Zyanya^^
Just passing by
wat! still at 400!
just a bystander
410,and now we're off to kill some monsters
(examinig the red color on the posts after the strike of zyanya's ban hammer)
Just 1598 more posts!
(Wow, that's a lot...)
would be done till new year
100 posts per day would be enough.
*looking shocked*

still on this page? :o
(examinig the red color on the posts after the strike of zyanya's ban hammer)
Yes, the color of blood
go go GO!

*looking even more shocked*

STILL on this page? Cmon guys :o
It's That Time of the Year Again~
time for flooders to get banned =D
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