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AuthorGreat contest! Griffin Liege vs. Manticore Liege
for Rengar: its how it should be, would make cg a lot more popular. we can all duke it out at cg 13 faster.
would make cg a lot more popular
How lol? This event giving away 3 cg points foe 2v2 while you only get 1.2cg points in regular 2v2 Cg battles, not to mention the average battle time in event is around 15mins(for me as dark demon) where mirror is also allowed and around 25min in cg with no mirror. Difiiculty in regular CG is wayy higher with all these pros and elo grinders compared to noobs in this event
Event giving 3cg points with faster/easier battles is a really good chance to grind some point for sure though
for Rengar: if they made regular cg 3 points per win, maybe i should have been a little more specific.
Everyone has same opportunity to grind CG point in this event same as wall as in regular 2x2. The difference is CG/Time ratio in both. Not everyone wants to spend sometimes 20-50 min. in battle to get 1.2cg. 3CG sounds much better here and I can take time risk for such reward.
Looks like you switched builds, Slayer ;)

Guess we all become mage DEs or DDs in the end
for Another Player:
yea after the 5h full def tribal/shadow barb/dd i had enough.
You won 11 out of 11 battles.
3 cg points for standard 2v2 PvP is nuts!

Its very good for sure. But isn't that what you get for your clan/facility CG that you do so very often?
last few games afks into losses... :) guess thats it for this event for me.
I only did 3. I mean I just lvd commanders, getting more castles more important than spending money on point rn tbh
May do a few more just to make sure I qualify for bonus if manticore wins what is usual bonus?
gold: 78,000
cG points: 90
parts of artefact of Fear: 30
elixirs: 3
scrolls of calling: 1

You won 30 out of 33 battles.

Easy points. Too bad got trolled in two battles
I like it how you flamed the other parties in a loss (I mean, keep it cool in chat dude). How is it you became so toxic? I wonder..
Are u kidding?

U saw the intentional loss?

Going to battle with FSL 9?? These guys deserve to be banned. I m a player with 90% WR +

Get on my level and don't give me kids
Don't be like this guy

2024-08-08 07:10: c Игрок060[18], kchong[16] vs Жрецъ[18], _MaLoU_[16]
2024-08-08 06:58: c kchong[16], The Raven of Blood[16] vs _MaLoU_[16], S_u_p_e[16]

Defeated him twice in a row easy battle although teammate has weak arts first battle
for kchong:

Don't be a kid and throw the toys out the pram when you may lose. I've had bad partners too, doesn't give me the right to be rude.
Red demon is op in this tournament with all that gated pit demons https://www.lordswm.com/war.php?lt=-1&warid=1481767247
for Lord MilesTeg:
lose due to intentional trolling by teammates? 100% report lmao

If bro tries their ebst and lost sure

u think serious teammate playing offense barb and shooting lava dragons and angels instead of enemy shooters?
I just let my results speak for myself lmao.

30/33 wins (3 loss due to troll)
Clearly you have skills at the game, I'm not suggesting otherwise. However, realistically what do you hope to achieve with aggressive language and reporting? Self assess, to what extent have other people's words swapped your thought processes. If they are aggressively done, people become defensive and then will definitely not listen.

I had a teammate that speed runed his magma dragon one gap away from xbows to get one shot. I don't think he was trying to lose, just was that bad. It happens.
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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