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Consider this as a tournament rather than an event. It is then consistent with others. Also you do get an artifact, just all the same one after 5 wins.
Do we?

Orders of dark/light, griffin/manticore,...

Consider this as a tournament rather than an event. It is then consistent with others. Also you do get an artifact, just all the same one after 5 wins.

Then they gave 2 arts: there were also the banners correponding to the orders. In tournaments we also have gold for top ranks. I don't remember how that old one ended up admitedly. I just know my old warrior figurine still have some durability left.

I need to ask for clarification to make sure our translation is correct. Can anyone tell me if the magic punch and wasp swarm spells' damage is reduced if cast across the wall? Does the reduction apply only to creature spells, or also to hero' spells?

Magic punch from creatures is affected by the wall. Didn't check for hero.
Well, just checked:
wasp swarm spells' damage

Does this matter?

In tournaments we also have gold for top ranks

I think Miles is more referring to things like MT, or the blindfold tournament.

We may still get trophy and stuff here.
Stupid AI. Just goes berserk on wall and ignores stalkers.
Tribal is unplayable now. With that spirit nerf you cant even get to level 1...
Took pos for barb. Took all armas for shadow barb. Now they change the rules of the game. This change of the rule mid tournament is highly unfair. Where can i request that they give me gold and money back? Nowhere. But ok...in the long term they will lose players this way...and real money. I played this game for nearly 10 years now but with thi bad moves from admins they are forcing me to reconsider if i should continue. There are better games i suppose...
Why is mirror allowed in this?? I lost one because of AI being retarded (he could have moved hydra away to lizard charge on sphynx, if he did that we would have won, also lizard attacking from place instead of moving before the attack). If its not a tournament and it doesnt give trophies then give us an art, else disable mirror because you cant win with users...
After official announcement, I am clear about the AI & real players confusion.

Misunderstood that only 2 real palyers allowed in each battle and remain 2 AI!!

Google translated message not good to enough understand !!

Damn, Thats why the game suppose to leave announcement in both servers same time. Every time time announcement in .com server after 1 whole day!!
Once again mirror teammate ruined it...
Just confused with the last event 'Blindfold tournament plus'
This event is a waste of gold. Most of the time you get failures of a teammates lose before you get a chance to attack because you are 2vs1
How is it that bad players only end up as your teammate, and not your opponent?
This event is a waste of gold. Most of the time you get failures of a teammates lose before you get a chance to attack because you are 2vs1

Ahahahah, so true, I must be a terrible man because I keep getting the useless guy out the other 3. Last battle was a tamer who locked himself in his box with a single termagant and didn't attack anything (except with the termagant!) until I died. Oh, yeah, he managed to kill 2 dragons and a 10 orcs before I die.
How is it that bad players only end up as your teammate, and not your opponent?

Obviously it sounds like an overstatement but I share his feeling that some guys in the pair have no clue on what to do and are useless. Actually it musn't even that they have no clue because they won't follow advices.
How is it that bad players only end up as your teammate, and not your opponent?

Haha , this is so true !
When players press auto, the timer acts really strange for those who don't. Sometimes i get 3-4 seconds left when my actual turn comes. Does anybody know if there is a solution to this problem? I don't want to play on html btw.
I got a warrior figurine and it can be used in this tournament was well, so I am happily using it.
This is the WORST event they EVER made. I MEAN IT. Not letting us team up and playing with randoms is ACTUAL CANCER. It is making me so angry I wanna break things! Thats not how a GAME, something we ENJOY needs to BE LIKE.

Teammates! My teammates are absolute garbage. Out of 10 combats so far today, as a charmer, which is supposed to be a decent faction, I WON 3. My last 3 teammates:

A shadow barb... WITH 14 ATTACK. Because why use a sword when you can use a firebender staff!
A MAGE wizard... whose only damage spells were FIREBALLS. With DOF. On units that rushed him!!! So basicly dof did nothing. I a not even sure he has magic guild 4..
And finally... A dwarf. With defense. AND HOLY MAGIC. AND AUTOOOOOOO.

Meanwhile my opponents are beasts. Powerful fury barbs, unholy necros and might wizards. I never once had a might wiz as an ally and only once had a necro. Also played AGAINST slust. In that same fight I had the dwarf.

Speaking of that dwarf, Majesticos, if you are reading this, go to hell.
Player banned by moderator Meshy until 2018-10-25 21:44:04 // FR 2.2 // Insulting others - Warning
I really wonder why you guys keep logging in,as from your sayings the game is bad,unfair,you are always unlucky and many more.

Stop filling the forums with pointless messages and let the rest of us enjoy our time.

In my case i have 8/13,all auto.
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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