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AuthorIs anything going to be done about dwarves???
Aurelija, take dryads instead of forest brethren, they are much useful for group battles as you can attack without retaliation. What is essential is the initiative. If your sharpshooters playing before invokers, it's the key to victory. Do not shoot/attack dwarven shooters if you are not able to kill the whole stack, otherwise you just give them the crusade rune for free. Dwarf should be killed stack by stack anyway, the best before they can even use the rune. :)
Druids are not worthy from my experience, the better way is to use 3 stacks of sharpshooters instead, you have more chances for knocking shot and your opponent has 3 dangerous stacks that should be killed in 1st turn which is not easy.
And what is useful as well is the tactics talent. For charmer is better way to use this talent instead of innate swiftness. You have much more space for setting up you troops, the shooters may be 5 tiles apart, so one large stack can't block 2 shooters stacks at once.
The offensive talents (+30% off, battle fury, tactics) in combination with luck talent (+2) working in most cases. I had nearly 70% winning rate...
Fsl12 will help you a lot, that's another +2% initiative and +3 attack.
This is some good advice , and have played together with Pastak , and it works ;)
Yeah but is rally useless then?

This is an example of a CG with dwarf. Notice how one lucky it from the patriarchs wipe out the shamans.
Yeah but is rally useless then?

It gives you 18 dryads and 5 sharps only. More useful is to take luck talent for all stacks.

This is an example of a CG with dwarf. Notice how one lucky it from the patriarchs wipe out the shamans.

With full offense build this can work either way, in one tournament battle 35 sharps one-hitted my full stack of 20 unlucky patties.

Btw I'm not sure the tribal in your battle had the best troop settlement for facing a dwarf..
Generally tribals are easy enough with dwarves now, it's mostly a case of letting them come forward, mayhem on warlord, kill warlord, gang on enforcers then clean up.
With full offense build this can work either way, in one tournament battle 35 sharps one-hitted my full stack of 20 unlucky patties.

Sharpiess one hit anything with luck (except guards perhaps :p).
I find the Morale Branch on CEs very highly overrated, Tbh.
As they said before, Offence Branch + Luck is just Assasination Build.
... Actually if I was a CE, I'd even dare to pick Mass Rapid (The Offence Talent thing: Striving Speed), to Buff both me and my ally.
Whilst trying to avoid furthering a dead conversation.


Gives some interesting insight imo
Interesting stuff, thanks for putting in the link. Certainly consistent with my experience at CL16 where as a BW I lost 3 times, twice to dwarves and once to a DD, completely in line with how the build works.

The dominance of dark barbs is crazy, I missed how great it was since didn;t face any. The fact that dark barbs were still able to win over 50% against BW and the high prominence of DoF as perfect counter to defencive builds highlights to me additionally their imba.

I think dwarves may be more imba than the raw stats show as well, as I think more people with poor guilds/faction levels may have jumped on the bandwagon (would account for the higher number of fights compared to normal faction distribution). As such lowering the win rate (I know I did this at any rate!)
The dominance of dark barbs is crazy, I missed how great it was since didn;t face any. The fact that dark barbs were still able to win over 50% against BW and the high prominence of DoF as perfect counter to defencive builds highlights to me additionally their imba.

You get blinded and gently awaken by ogres hit as if you had a really bad hangover.
Way to divert attention to barbs. This is what happened when tamers came, and when charmers and battlewiz came as well. A decent battlewiz would not have problems dealing with barb, same for charmer elf with high attack as it can finish a good number of ogres after taking care of cyclops. Really just needs sharpshooters and magic. DE mage and classic mage can also win in 1x1 if they are careful.

Now look at dwarf, clearly OP. Its so easy to kill everything. And this is coming from a player who recently built dwarf castle, had no experience with it in pvp, and is deficient in stats/guilds. I don't think there are too many of you in reality who would be happy to fight dwarf instead of barb.
Way to divert attention to barbs. This is what happened when tamers came, and when charmers and battlewiz came as well. A decent battlewiz would not have problems dealing with barb, same for charmer elf with high attack as it can finish a good number of ogres after taking care of cyclops. Really just needs sharpshooters and magic. DE mage and classic mage can also win in 1x1 if they are careful.

Shadow barb had 82% win rate against BW and 62% against charmer at your level. Hard to find a "decent BW" nowadays.
BW can't be decent anymore, too many "adjustments" made to them..
And yet my opponent bw still oneshots my 20 unicorns with dof genies
And yet my opponent bw still oneshots my 20 unicorns with dof genies

that's because your wizard faction resistance is 0.

Which makes me say: what made you decide not to level it up at all, when you put some points in each other? (rethorical question).

Which makes me say: what made you decide not to level it up at all, when you put some points in each other? (rethorical question).

Because I never knew about faction resistance untill I was like level 11. The only castle I had was elf, untill cl 15 when I got dark elf.
All other faction resistances are from events only...
Shadow barb had 82% win rate against BW and 62% against charmer at your level. Hard to find a "decent BW" nowadays.

And i guess you don't care that your 82% stat is coming from a grand total of 23 battles? And are did all these people who picked bwiz playing with DoF build? Because it is possible to not be in DoF especially if you are playing 1x1 and that won't counter shadow barb.

I know you cant help it that the sample is too small, but your statistics don't disprove anything unless you can get more information.
bw wiz it not that counter to shadow bb, the biggest counter is red demon and magic de(from lv 17+).
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