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42 mistress 24 succubi 9 ceberi 69 wolfhounds 102 fiends.
This setup is what I have been using for lvl 15+ an quite good though
at what crystals?
875 crystals
tbh this setup is also not so good :p
mistress doesnt deal good damage and all i have to depend is upon fiends :/
All units from Demon?
Imo you shouldnt stick to only one faction with these many crystals.
Reason why people stick to one faction is to avoid having to buy Hall of Unity.
But this is only effective at the beggining, when you have 250-300 Crystals, you save up on 50 of HoU.
When you have 875 crystals spending 50 on Hall isnt a big deal.
By playing only one faction, you limit your forces much, Imho.
Just saying :P Im not good anyway in events either
mage build is quite good for playing pub battles this time, cheaper magic guild.
I suppose that is very ahead in the event.
Since MG 2 costs like 800 crystals.
Still I don't know which troops are good at 1000 crystals.
1000+ crystal
unicorn all kind

death proclaimer, tamed wyvern, cavalry

goblin warlock and orc shaman also good for filler, take a hot or debuff
There is an inefficiency in repeat buying a stack due to the price escalation. With higher start costs this is more significant than it has been in the past I think.

As a general rule get 7 stacks of what seems most efficient for the highest tier you can afford

When you can afford 3 sets of each of these 7 stacks and are getting your fourth for some considering upgrading to the next tier. This should mean 3 repeat buys of each of the next tier.

When you get to tier 7 it is then about when to compromise to get the extra troop from raising your recruitment or whether to go to a mage build
I think special forces are effective. The pushback from the frontier ursary is invaluable. The Pristine unicorns do not stun very much. Lizard charges- if you can get one off- is a good large-stack killer. Genies are good for buffs/ debuffs
is it just me, but this event is extremely difficult for higher levels to reach that 50 mark :X
This event is for higher levels ridiculous, while the lower levels only face an AI with just one or two talents, my level alone is allready at 10 talents, that alone makes the battle allready half lost right there, add the extra parameters up and it becomeshard.
Play the exact same battle as a low level and it will feel like a breeze. The admins really haven't put much thought into this. Like I said they should make the recruiting stack sizes according to ones combat level.
Not many high level players will be able to complete portal level 50 but practicly all the low level players will.
also low level do have great favor in this event, I think level 50 is easy for any combat level player, even you do not have a good fixed teammate.
Speak for yourself, you have an amazing character and insane mental skills :D some of us are just noobs
the battle does not need many skills, we just need to pick a good, or at least not bad build.
some of us are just noobs
Spoken like a true EFLian :D
how does the attack % addition work??
Allow to Cancel the setup of a battle please, when you create it.
Sometimes my mate an me create at same time, and we gotta wait 10 min :P
I suppose those who play Chaos builds abuse Magic channel of High Druids.
come to think of it ... it's Imba :P
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