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AuthorThe Vote
shorter move time - say 10/15 seconds

Unfortunately that's not possible because of the server lag. Many people would miss their turns which would be very frustrating.

which PvE event would you guys prefer?

Doesn't matter as long as it's not the pirate event again :D
On a serious note I would prefer something new... something we didn't have exactly like that before. I don't know, how about a siege event where we actually defend a castle? In the beginning you just have a wall with a gate (AI has a catapult and may use the earthquake spell). By doing combats you gain certain points which you can spend to upgrade your fortifications (upgrade wall HP, buy AI controlled archer towers +HP and damage upgrades), moat and more...
so we got a pve event despite the fact that pvp events combined had greater percentage.the situation looks like voting in greece.no matter what you vote, in the end eu admins do what they want
for Lady sofiouta:
MT, PT and others T's at it's end are not events. Tournaments give some guild points and gold in the end if you're within the said reward %. Period. Whereas events like Light vs Dark and the Manticore ones which are PvP events give a non-shop arts (that flag thing) and a pretty decent artifact end reward (order of dark/light) which tournament battles (such as MT/PT) don't.

I say it's a big difference, don't you? So how can you combine tournaments along with PvP events? Besides, so I've seen, you can vote for more than 1 option.
ok i will rephrase, we got a pve activity even if all pvp activities combined had greater percentage.
Well yes, but the vote wasn't PvP vs PvE, it was PvE vs. specific PvP and PvE won.
I voted for MT but I would like to see 1000 PoTs before a blindfold one.

true, and thats why the procedure was rediculus.the vote was set up that way so all pve activities were grouped under one single choice and pvp were split into many.
100 people want to eat ice-cream or frozen yogurt.they can order only one big portion and split it to 100 rations.so they set up a vote of what to order.

choice 1:frozen yogurt
choice 2:ice-cream brand1
choice 3:ice-cream brand2
choice 4:ice-cream brand3
choice 5:ice-cream brand4
choice 6:ice-cream brand5
choice 7:ice-cream brand6

what would be the outcome?do they need to bother to vote?
it is not a big matter but better next time admins dont waste our time that way or diminish our intelligence saying that we really have an option to choose what we will play.
I chose PvE.

PvP or group PvE events annoy me due to their time-consuming nature. Usually it takes a lot of waiting before forming a team and then you have to wait until everyone takes their turns. You can't really go AFK, since others are dependant on your best moves to win.
it is not a big matter but better next time admins dont waste our time that way or diminish our intelligence saying
Lol I see I am not the only one who thought this
no matter what you vote, in the end eu admins do what they want

I don;t know how you could think that, clearly they saw that in the 24 hours of vote tht PvE was higher and in that time generated a PvE event from scratch. In no way was it pre planned and going to happen anyway........
i agree with Lord MilesTeg.nothing prearranged. i feel ashamed of thinking the opposite.
Guys... obviously the PvE event itself was planned, but it was not planned that it would happen immediately. The must also have a PvP event planned, if PvP event won the vote they would have initiated that first, and later on this PvE event. PvE won so we have this first, and next we might have either the PvP event or one of the tournaments and the the PvP event... anyway I am pretty sure that we will have a PvP event before our next PvE event.
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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