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AuthorHunting season!
The good thing is watcher hunter quest will get reasonable difficulty.
13. Player who keep their records when tournament finishes will be rewarded
how is reward based on number of records?
for Bheem:
Not sure if the same exact reward formula will be used (or some sort of "efficiency" formula) but a general idea (as pointed out by Hiltrud) would be:
This event is a stupid event, because:
1) you have to fight the first night only if you want to earn some HG points
2) later only the hard fights left (only records to beat)
Robai, you are right that it may be hard, but you can always do 3 quest per day (9 battles, 75% difficult) which are easy so far. This way you can earn some HG points, FSP and gold which you spent for arts payback.
Level 14-16s will have the least chance for lots of records, so just like last hunting event only low levels will reap the most records.
Another event that only those with high faction level can do well in. No chance of holding any records for me. I've grabbed my few fsps and now have to sit out the rest of the event while those with fsl 11 and 12 battle for the records.

Why do they not add a few new easy hunts every day so that everyone can keep playing?
Not all events, all can do well in. Some your build is best for, others it is not. I am happy so long as their is a benefit for all, and in my mind this does as can farm 9 creatures each day.

Personally with a lowly highest faction level of 9 for a CL14 I will satisfy myself with a successful event if I can keep hold of one!
Records being created is not the problem. But making everyones hunts be the current record is unintelligent. They should let the hunts be as they were from the start of event for everyone and give you a choice to either beat the record or do the hunt instead which would then after a win raise that specific hunt gradually. But now having the hunt immediately raised to the record lets players that start out even just a bit later for the event stand on the sidelines from the get-go.
Even on the first day of the event the hunts I did on 75% were allready more than double the size of level 17-21s records. Giving us 6 days of 14 battles, which makes it 84 battles in total is nonsensical. I won't even do a third of it since most hunts have allready been pushed to the utter limit. It's clear that the event isn't given much thought and just been yanked out.
75% difficult
Even those are very difficult now.

I don't care about those records since there are better/richer players, I just want to do several easy/medium battles to enjoy the event.

There should be 2 buttons for each set of creatures:
1) improve your record
2) improve global record
Even those are very difficult now.

And imagine it on the last day. :P

There should be 2 buttons for each set of creatures:
1) improve your record

This would require a smaller range of combination of hunts available or a much larger increase in difficulty per increase.
Well after seeing how the AI keeps setting up and behaving, I think I'm done for this event.
Like if the AI is made up of large creatures then suddenly the AI setup is not split up stacks so the 3 different large creatures will not be able to block each other off, but if the AI troops are small creatures then suddenly they have been split up to 12 stacks. I'm not gonna even mention how in every battle they keep getting tons of morale right from the get-go.
It's the most messed up event.
Ok so I know you will not be able to see the battle - and to be honest don;t it was dull playing it, so will probably be even more dull watching it. However, I got a record that I reckon if someone came across it in a watchers guild battle will thing was unwinnable when it was, cos I did.


I only managed it because of an unusual set up (full defensive dwarf with the talent to allow to strike before retal if you defend). Basically was against lots of veterens and mountin sentries so pawknock no good, so had to let them come to me. Anything offensive and they wore me down.

Anyway - I apologise to anyone that has to try and beat the record I guess 75% may be quite hard now.

I do agree that it may be that the event is a little off. Critically I guess it is whether the 75% less than the max actually represents an achievable battle or not. If it is doable 80-90% of the time then I think it is fair enough. If however it is such that this is not the case for some levels and combos (elves and Dark elves) then I guess either a bigger drop off is needed or else your own increment of improvement would help.

Personally however I am enjoying it as it is.
@lord MilesTeg, if you mean this one:
2016-01-15 02:43: Lord MilesTeg[14] vs Veterans (1505), Patriarchs (39), Mountain sentries (1505)

Where I'm sitting some darkelf has allready put it on my faction at:
2016-01-14 19:28: NAKED-MACHINE[15] vs Veterans (3085), Mountain sentries (3085), Patriarchs (79)

These are some of the current records what I'm looking at:
2016-01-14 14:31: voucher[15] vs Rocs (439), Thunderbirds (210), Firebirds (210)
2016-01-14 20:39: Goldberg_[15] vs Skeletons (22058), Skeletal legionnaires (7273), Skeletal dragons (15)
2016-01-14 18:01: *****[15] vs Farmers (49308), Rebels (2123)
2016-01-15 04:43: -Luxeon-[15] vs Crusaders (8225), Chargers (94)
2016-01-15 02:40: ******[15] vs Guardians (8976), Paladins (102)
2016-01-13 17:26: motasor[15] vs Goblin warlocks (2659), Hobgoblins (3872), Goblin archers (3715)
2016-01-15 00:27: *****[15] vs Zombies (6261), Infected zombies (2726), Ghouls (3677)
2016-01-14 21:16: 13sasha13[15] vs Goblins (18522), Boar riders (1034), Wolf Riders (1404)
2016-01-13 23:51: Densiaupin[15] vs Invaders (5221), Enforcers (3909), Warlords (429)
2016-01-14 01:08: ******[15] vs Infected zombies (4718), Ghouls (4227), Unholy knights (68)
2016-01-13 11:38: ******[15] vs Goblins (4461), Hobgoblins (4649), Goblin archers (4461)
2016-01-15 01:21: voucher[15] vs Skeletal legionnaires (9135), Vampires (847), Death proclaimers (116)
2016-01-14 19:47: voucher[15] vs Pegasus (922), Silver pegasus (971)
2016-01-13 22:55: ******[15] vs Skeletons (11658), Skeletal legionnaires (6416), Unholy knights (56)

Since there is still 3 more days left it will be blown up even further.
If these ridiculous ammounts are going to be added to the watchers guild then it might be time to call it quits, because just like last time lots of the records are done by using DU, and if those are going to be added then the game shifts to a pay to win system and will go to worse from there.

Why I still have to blank out russian named players due to censorship still makes no sense whatsoever.
The invisibility skill of the stalkers is pretty cool! It is good to notice the developers are (at least) working on the dark elf's alt class.
for Lawton:
Lol do you even think a DU for a lev 15 DE matters for most of those hunts?
Besides in WG they would probably give 75% or less of the max records.
Stalkers look neat. Invisibility is a great ability.
@randomr1, odd then how almost all of the darkelf recordkeepers have the DU, must be a big coincidence right? It's clear you underestimate the shadow whip skill.
It's clear you underestimate the shadow whip skill.

Shadow whip is not really that good.

The big advantage is more mana on sybils.
For my Level 11 Wizard i got that record

Total combats: 21
Victories: 18

Active records: 9

If i Skip the quest from top i got new hunts to make a record?

This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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