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AuthorBreaking news. Mercenaries' guild got changes.-2
I don't know good or bad, Elements price are fallen
Well, Not good to sold my elements XD
Monster is no logic.
Instead of jumping to +3 each time (ie. 0-3-6-etc..), Better just change difficulty (ie. attack, defense, HP, etc..)

However, Old player will doom, and this game favor old player.

anyway, +3 each time is ridiculous to see If a player is already 1 then he get 4-7-10 etc..
and if alrfeady 2, he get 5-8-11-etc.. Ridiculous.
Possibly a bug?
2015-05-22 17:35: Usbeorn[10] vs Army of elves {5}

Got 0.78 FSP although winning it in 1st attempt..
for Gaara:
What you said is rather ridiculous
+3 means attack and defense increases by 21, and damage increases by 36-48 respectively.
If as you like, they go 0-1-2 but increase the growth of attack and defense to 21 and damage by 36-48 for EACH LEVEL.
Wasn't it just the same?
A better translation:

The new head of the mercenary guild continues to develop:

- Rejected and failed task won't appear within 72-hours period of time.
- FSP is not granted on direct proportion to EXP gained.
- From MG7 above, you can "double-track" missions and choose either one.
- From MG8 above, you get +1 primary stats each level.
- Added "Army of Holy knights", "Army of Darkness demons", "Army of Charmer elves", "Army of Shadow barbarians", "Army of Fury barbarians", "Army of Unholy necromancers" and "Army of Battlewise wizards" to the original Army-type errands.
- Added "Vanguard of tribals" to the original Vanguard-type errands.
- Troops in armies are adjusted so that different alternative upgrades would not appear trans-factionally.
- Army of dwarves and army of tribals has reduced difficulty.
- The 8th task type : "Squad protection"
- Added 3 new jobs for conspirator type errands. Now there are 15 combinations instead of 12.
- Faction and level information for brigand errands can not be foreseen.
- Minor improvements in the interface.

Good game!
Point 2, not granted??

Second last point, can now be foreseen
for The One Ring:
Typo, both "not" should be "now"
Wasn't it just the same?
This is totally different.
A player with mosnster level 1 and a player with monster level 10
THink about those two.

That is why I said However, Old player will doom, and this game favor old player.
Since Old player who have level 10 already will face extreme difficulty righ away.

There is no consistent in monster for players now since they have different starting level monster
And 1 and 2 and 3 is normal.

one got 1-4-7 while other got 0-3-6 and the different one got 2-5-8 is ridiculous (the number and the different player seem confusing)
Love you my friend
Nope, it is standard now. Before the update I've faced Air elemental monster level up to level 1. Instead facing it as level 4, I faced it as level 3.
thanks, SwiftGirl, now the change is clear.

and does anyone have link to a Squad protection battle?
From 8th-level guild additional parameter hero will be issued for each newly acquired level of the guild;

Alright- From the 7th level of the guild will be provided to the heroes of 2 jobs to choose from;

Alright the good updates kind balanced the bad ones, it's still better for old players, but it's definitely more fair now.

- Significantly reduced the complexity of the tasks in the "Army of Dwarfs" and "Army steppe barbarians"

Except from this one, which will be good to everyone.
Also the new amount of MG missions are good to everyone either.

I'm cool with this changes now.
for gonlador:

I checked and rechecked .ru again and found this "squad protection" was just some mistranslation.
There is nothing new 8th mission type.
This point just refers to the "Vanguard of tribals" added.

Sadly enough:(
for Angel of Death:
The new type of MG, as a new player to reach MG12 (11000)
All armies up to 25 = 26 x 16 = 416
All invaders up to 50 = 51 x 9 = 405
All vanguards up to 50 = 51 x 9 = 405
All raids up to 30 (You know, to beat 16 equal waves is definitely much easier than beating 32 increasing waves) = 31 x 229 = 7099
All monsters up to 30 = 11 x 229 = 2519
All conspirators up to 20 (Yes they are damn hard) = 21 x 15 = 315
All brigands up to 50 = 51 x 9 = 405
Total = 11564
Creatures for monsters now is 229. To be exact, All creatures in normal hunting could appear in monster (and raid), nothing else.

They have added charmer elf creatures T4-T7 (T1-T3 had been there long), but not the creatures from H4 elf portals (white tigers etc.), but I guess they should do it sooner or later.
Creatures for monsters now is 229. To be exact, All creatures in normal hunting could appear in monster (and raid), nothing else.

More creatures = more MG points to all, including the OLD PLAYERS, who already farmed monsters a lot

More MG quests = more MG points to all, including the OLD PLAYERS, who already farmed monsters a lot

More point for armies = more MG points to all, including the OLD PLAYERS, who already farmed monsters a lot

All of that means this:
- the gap between new and old players was INCREASED a lot after these couple updates
People forget the recent update on HG was better for new players. As an "old player" I went to HG 7 doing all those hunts (2000 HG points) and receiving 0,5 fsp for each time. Now you receive 1,0 fsp per victory on solo hunts. So I lost about 1000 fsp because I am an old player.

The point is, some updates help the new players, some benefit the old ones.
And one more thing, if they are favoring the old players instead of new players, its nothing to be angered at. Isn't it the same case in RL too? Most of the companies have schemes for which only customers that joined them long ago are eligible? So no reason for saying that they are favoring old guys
For Vengeful Spirit, FSP increase for Hunting is coupled with the experience penalty for high FSP. New players will level up faster and compete with old players at relative lower HG level.

For Lord Robai, to be more precise on the gap due to "monster revolution", if we use swiftgirl's numbers, a new player could lose (31-11)*229=4580 MG point compared to someone who got to level 30 monsters on average. Consider that not many high level players get to that high level of monsters, we can expect perhaps 1000 permanent MG points robbed off brand-new players compared to an average old player.

To my understanding the other updates seem fair enough, but not the monster MG.
But don't worry, perhaps it's better to level camp to avoid the old players :)
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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