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Author1st Blinfold Mixed tournament
Balance is terrible. At 13 lvl you should get about same level opponent with you but not this tournament. If I calculate all my 13 fights and my average opponent level is almost 13,5.
Balance is terrible. At 13 lvl you should get about same level opponent with you but not this tournament. If I calculate all my 13 fights and my average opponent level is almost 13,5.

the tournament make player CL grouping.

I as CL 10 grouped with CL 8 and 9 players.

you as CL 13 grouped with 14 and 15.

since the scoring of tourney is based on CL : if you get difficulty by being grouped to higher lvl player, the other CL 13 are face the same situation. thus it is balance
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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